Tag - lie

Bipartisan vote kills Democrats’ “’Voting Rights’ Lie” – Conservative Partnership Institute

Bipartisan vote kills Democrats’ “’Voting Rights’ Lie” – Conservative Partnership Institute

PJ Media’s senior columnist is also a professional comedian, and his wit shines through in this devastating commentary on the defeat of what he calls the “Democrats’ mad plan to turn the USA into USSR 2.0”  Although there’s nothing funny about the left’s attempt to federalize and fully control the votes of everyday Americans, “flying monkey” references are spot-on as...

The Left’s propaganda about voter suppression is a manipulative, political lie – Conservative Partnership Institute

The Left’s propaganda about voter suppression is a manipulative, political lie – Conservative Partnership Institute

When liberals tell falsehoods about “voter suppression” they tell big ones. Their most disgraceful lies are that minority voters are discriminated against as they were during the national embarrassment that were Jim Crow Laws, and that securing votes for all Americans somehow hurts minority voters. In recent Senate Judiciary testimony, election law attorney Hans von...