Tag - Liberal

Liberal politicians want to steal your Constitutional authority and jobs – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal politicians want to steal your Constitutional authority and jobs – Conservative Partnership Institute

Control over election protocols is vested in the states through the Constitution and over 230 years of legal precedent. As Congressional Democrats push the “John Lewis Act” to unlawfully steal this right from states, radical leftist at the DOJ are devising ways to do this on their own. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has sent letters to election officials in...

Liberal advocacy group gets American views on election integrity all wrong – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal advocacy group gets American views on election integrity all wrong – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal elite policy manipulators and their political allies continue to use false accusations of “voter suppression’ to halt policies that protect voters while promoting policies that steal ballot integrity from states and their voters. According to pollster Scott Rasmussen, Americans have seen through their scam, as less than 30 percent of the electorate has bought...