Tag - Legislator

Idaho Legislator Takes a Stand Against Treacherous Ranked Choice Voting – Conservative Partnership Institute

Idaho Legislator Takes a Stand Against Treacherous Ranked Choice Voting – Conservative Partnership Institute

Ranked Choice Voting is bad, has failed everywhere it’s been tried, and the left is hard at work trying to insert it into state voting procedures. RCV is confusing for voters, forces voters to vote for people they don’t like, ALWAYS results in ballots being discarded, and makes accurate audits impossible. So, what’s the good news? Citizens – and Republicans – are...

Progressive Rhode Island Legislator Pushes Non-Citizen Voting – Conservative Partnership Institute

Progressive Rhode Island Legislator Pushes Non-Citizen Voting – Conservative Partnership Institute

There are two kinds of non-citizens in our nation. Some are here lawfully, and some are here illegally. A leftwing Rhode Island legislator pushing for all “residents” to vote draws no distinction between the two. He also picks and chooses through the state Constitution’s voting provisions as he embraces “over 18” requirements but glosses right over the requirement...