Tag - Left

One Week Left to Apply

There’s just over a week left to submit an application for the 2017 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence. Use the links to the right learn more and forward the Call for Entries to people you know who might be interested.  One Gold Medal of $50,000 and four Silver Medals of $10,000 will be awarded. Projects must be a real place, not just a plan or a program, and...

One Week Left to Complete Your 2020 Census

September 23, 2020
It’s not too late! Fill out your 2020 Census online at 2020census.gov. Don’t miss this once-in-a-decade chance to impact your community!
The 2020 Census takes just a few moments to complete. The U.S. Census Bureau keeps your answers safe and confidential.

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The World Since You Left — Great Grief with Nnenna Freelon – Scalawag

How do we communicate with those who have “gone?” Is it even possible? In this episode of Great Grief, Nnenna Freelon sets about asking the moon, the sun, and even the leaves how she might get in touch with her beloved Phil. If grief shows us that time isn’t linear, maybe sorrow is more than a season—perhaps it’s actually a portal. Subscribe...