Tag - Law

Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law

In its functional leadership role, the Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law Practice Group supports policy-level interactions with other elements of Government; provides specialized guidance and advice to the Offices of the General Counsel at NASA Field Centers regarding contract award, administration and litigation matters; and develops and coordinates NASA legal...

Ukraine Aid Signed into Law – Nova Ukraine

Nova Ukraine thanks the U.S. Senate for the overwhelming bipartisan vote that approved new aid for Ukraine, and to President Biden for signing the bill into law. The National Security package includes both military and fiscal aid for Ukraine. Its passage marks a pivotal point in the ongoing war, as the exhausted and outnumbered Ukrainian army has been running out of...

General Law – NASA

General Law – NASA

As part of the legal functional management team, the General Law Practice Group provides leadership in the areas of ethics, fiscal law, environmental law, personnel and labor law, civil rights and equal employment law, information disclosure law, safety and security law, alien residence issues, memoranda of understanding and other agreements, and other administrative...

Heritage Foundation Election Law Scorecard Tracks Homeruns and Strikeouts for Every State – Conservative Partnership Institute

Heritage Foundation Election Law Scorecard Tracks Homeruns and Strikeouts for Every State – Conservative Partnership Institute

In this episode of Who’s Counting?, Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow Hans von Spakosvky talks with Cleta about the current state of Heritage’s Election Integrity Scorecard, a comprehensive index of state election laws – and the progress (or failure to advance) by the states since the scorecard was first released in December 2021. Hans and his team based their...

Liberal Activist Justices Undermine Voter Confidence by Ignoring Settled Law – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal Activist Justices Undermine Voter Confidence by Ignoring Settled Law – Conservative Partnership Institute

Wisconsin’s election code unequivocally bans ballot drop boxes in the Badger State. Yet after the Wisconsin Election Commission overstepped every aspect of its authority by allowing ballot drop boxes in the 2020 election, three Wisconsin State Supreme Court justices disagreed that state law was binding in the case of drop boxes. Fortunately for Wisconsin voters, the...

PA Rep. Seth Grove reveals deep corruption and disregard of the rule of law in the Pennsylvania elections in 2020 – Conservative Partnership Institute

PA Rep. Seth Grove reveals deep corruption and disregard of the rule of law in the Pennsylvania elections in 2020 – Conservative Partnership Institute

Pennsylvania State Representative Seth Grove (R-York), Chairman of the House State Government Committee, has relentlessly identified myriad problems with the state’s election systems including the uneven application of voting statutes, ignored in blue counties while followed in red counties in 2020. Separating and tackling each election integrity problem – from...

Public Interest Law Foundation reveals extent of Zuckerbuck damage in South Carolina – Conservative Partnership Institute

Public Interest Law Foundation reveals extent of Zuckerbuck damage in South Carolina – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberals malign corporate interests as inherently evil until they want to use liberal big business to manipulate election results to favor liberal candidates. Leftist private and corporate money interfered with the 2020 elections through a number of organizations — many funded by Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg — in an effort to turn election offices into...

Rule of Law – Conservative Partnership Institute

Rule of Law – Conservative Partnership Institute

Make no mistake: What the Left is actually after is the destruction of the American way of life, a life built on the rule of law and individual freedom. They are after control by the State, and seek to destabilize the country to get there. It is ironic that the very people who seek the end of private gun ownership, claiming just weeks ago that only the police need...

Lily Tomlin, Dogs, Michigan Residents Ask Legislators to “Raise Your Paw for Queenie’s Law!”

LANSING, Mich.—A large crowd and their canine companions covered the steps of the State Capitol Thursday morning for a rally in support of House Bill 4849, known as Queenie’s Law, which would outlaw painful dog experiments at public institutions in Michigan. Bill sponsor Rep. Matt Koleszar joined speakers from the national medical ethics group the Physicians...