Tag - Lakota

Leading the Way: Six Lakota Lay Ministers Commissioned at Red Cloud

Leading the Way: Six Lakota Lay Ministers Commissioned at Red Cloud

Just over three years ago, a small group of parishioners from points across the expanse of the Pine Ridge Reservation gathered to embark on a sacred journey. As candidates in the Rapid City Diocese’s Lay Ministry Formation Program, the same small group has come together once each week since their very first meeting—to study scripture, prayers, and Church traditions...

Moving Forward: Red Cloud’s Fifth Annual Lakota Language Camp

←BACK         Early this summer, under a warm June sun, small groups of Red Cloud students ran across campus calling out to one another in the Lakota language. They were taking part in a Lakota version of the “Amazing Race”—an interactive game that was designed especially for this year’s fifth annual Lakȟól’iya Wičhóthi or Lakota Language Camp. To teach campers...

Red Cloud Lakota Language Camp Q&A 2021

Each summer, Red Cloud hosts a language camp to give students a chance to focus exclusively on language and culture. Despite the pandemic, this year our staff worked hard to plan a camp that kept campers safe and healthy while still allowing them to learn and grow. We spoke with Tama, language teacher and camp cultural director, to learn more about this year’s...