Tag - Kellogg

Sparking innovation and inspiration – W.K. Kellogg Foundation

IMPACT INVESTING Navajo Power is getting the national attention they deserve with recent ABC’s World News Tonight coverage. ABC covered Navajo Power and their unwavering commitment to rectify energy injustice deep in Navajo Nation. Navajo Power is a majority Native American-owned Public Benefit Corporation and WKKF investee. They are powering Navajo households...

Kellogg workers on why they went on strike for two months – Scalawag

As the sun rose in Memphis on October 18, Rodigah Blaylock stood in the brisk air outside the Kellogg plant with her fellow union members, waving signs that read “We Stand Strong” and “Equality For All.” Some drivers passing by blew their horns in support. Blaylock and other members of the Local 252-G union had been on this picket line since...