Tag - Jordan

Public Affairs Manager Gary Jordan

“It’s 2 a.m. in the morning on a Sunday. You have your headset in your hand. You’re about to walk into Mission Control. And you understand — in the darkness, the crickets chirping, the lights shining on the building — you understand where you’re going and what you’re a part of. “This is the building where we heard astronauts say, ‘Houston, we’ve had a problem.’ Where...

Refugee Mother in Jordan Overcomes Heartbreak

A Syrian refugee mother in Jordan had no money to treat debilitating illness, much less her children’s schooling, and they asked her why they couldn’t learn to read and write like other kids. Bombings had driven the family of nine from Syria, but not before dust and other pollutants of war had exacerbated her asthma. “My condition continued to worsen as I suffered...