Tag - jobs

Liberal politicians want to steal your Constitutional authority and jobs – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal politicians want to steal your Constitutional authority and jobs – Conservative Partnership Institute

Control over election protocols is vested in the states through the Constitution and over 230 years of legal precedent. As Congressional Democrats push the “John Lewis Act” to unlawfully steal this right from states, radical leftist at the DOJ are devising ways to do this on their own. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has sent letters to election officials in...

National Academy of Public Administration to Release Newest Prune Book Nov. 16, 2016 – Top 40 Toughest Management Jobs in Government

National Academy of Public Administration to Release Newest Prune Book Nov. 16, 2016 – Top 40 Toughest Management Jobs in Government Post Date: November 01, 2016 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy), in partnership with Ernst & Young LLP, will host a launch event on Wednesday, November 16th, to mark the release of...

MEDIA ADVISORY: Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships to Host Discussion of Workforce Development and the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

MEDIA ADVISORY: Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships to Host Discussion of Workforce Development and the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Post Date: February 17, 2022 For Immediate Release February 2022 Contact: Betsy Holahan [email protected] MEDIA ADVISORY Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships to Host Discussion of Workforce...

Showcasing quality jobs, investments and teamwork

JOBS Knowing what “good” looks like when it comes to job quality has been a challenge. A guiding set of data to help companies navigate what to disclose, how to benchmark and where to prioritize workforce investment has been lacking – until now. JUST Capital released The JUST Jobs Scorecard, a data-driven interactive tool to help companies prioritize investments in...