Tag - Israeli

We Stand with the Israeli People – Nova Ukraine

We strongly condemn the coordinated attack by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians. We stand with the Israeli people.  Many of our volunteers, friends, refugees, and donors have families in Israel. We hope for their safety and express our sincere support to everyone affected by these attacks. If you wish to support the people of Israel affected by the terrorist...

Even in death, there is no freedom from Israeli prison – Scalawag

Palestinians hold photographs of prisoners jailed in Israel during a celebration for the liberation of Palestinian Khader Adnan in the West Bank village of Arrabeh, near Jenin, Wednesday, April 18, 2012. The same week, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel launched a hunger strike the protesting their conditions and demanding an end to detentions without...

Palestinian prison art reflects life in Israeli occupation – Scalawag

Photos of artwork courtesy of the author. “I will carry my soul in my palm,And cast it into the abyss of death, Either a life that pleases a friend,or a death that angers an enemy.” When I asked my uncle Khader Shaat, 47, about the poetry verse that he inscribed on the embroidered, handmade notebook about 30 years ago in Asqalan Israeli prison, he told me...

Farmers in Gaza seek solutions under Israeli blockade – Scalawag

Gaza’s farmers and clothing workers sectors struggle under Israeli blockade Above: A farmer, hired by Abu Mohammad Alzaeem, from the southern Gaza Strip, taking care of grapes beneath a plastic net that is designed to protect the crop this summer. Photos by the author.Gaza’s economy and ecology under siege. by RAMI ALMEGHARI June 23, 2023 ABOLITION WEEK...

How Israeli prisons tear Palestinian families apart – Scalawag

In January 1990, the sun had yet to shine. Grandma Iftikar, then a 54-year-old woman, was standing in front of four fully-armed soldiers. Unafraid of getting shot in the head, she slapped one of them. They didn’t even bat an eye and kept walking. Helplessly, she stood there watching as they dragged a 20-year-old young man along with them. They took her beloved...

How Israeli occupation follows Palestinian prisoners – Scalawag

Palestine on Lock:Israeli Occupation From the walls of an Israeli prison to the imprisoning air of Israeli occupation in Gaza. by BASMA ADHAM ALBAYED June 27, 2023 ABOLITION WEEK On the night before their release, Palestinian prisoners put their clothes, toothbrushes, and photo albums into plastic bags as they prepare to finally see the sun and their family...