Tag - Idaho

Idaho Legislator Takes a Stand Against Treacherous Ranked Choice Voting – Conservative Partnership Institute

Idaho Legislator Takes a Stand Against Treacherous Ranked Choice Voting – Conservative Partnership Institute

Ranked Choice Voting is bad, has failed everywhere it’s been tried, and the left is hard at work trying to insert it into state voting procedures. RCV is confusing for voters, forces voters to vote for people they don’t like, ALWAYS results in ballots being discarded, and makes accurate audits impossible. So, what’s the good news? Citizens – and Republicans – are...

NASA’s DC-8 to Fly Low Altitude Over Pocatello, Idaho, for Final Flight

NASA’s DC-8 aircraft will fly at low altitude over Pocatello, Idaho, and surrounding areas during its final flight from NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, to Idaho State University. After 37 years of successful airborne science missions, the DC-8 aircraft is retiring at Idaho State University, where it will be used to train future...