Tag - horses

The Horse’s Mane – NASA

This image of part of the Horsehead Nebula, captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and released on April 29, 2024, shows the nebula in a whole new light, capturing the region’s complexity with unprecedented spatial resolution. Located roughly 1,300 light-years away, the nebula formed from a collapsing interstellar cloud of material, and glows because it is...

BCRA unlikely to survive the Parliamentarian? Hold your horses. – Conservative Partnership Institute

BCRA unlikely to survive the Parliamentarian? Hold your horses. – Conservative Partnership Institute

On Friday, Senator Bernie Sanders released a document claiming that the Senate Parliamentarian was prepared to invalidate large portions of the BCRA as “noncompliant” with the Byrd Rule – the law that governs consideration of Senate reconciliation bills. Specifically, Sanders’ document highlighted restrictions on tax credits being used for abortion, and defunding of...