Tag - Heart

Hubble Examines an Active Galaxy Near the Lion’s Heart

Hubble also surprised astronomers by revealing a few young stars and clusters in Messier 105, a galaxy thought to be “dead” and incapable of star formation. Astronomers now think that Messier 105 forms roughly one Sun-like star every 10,000 years. Astronomers also spotted star-forming activity in a vast ring of hydrogen gas encircling both Messier 105 and its closest...

How falling in love in prison broke my heart – Scalawag

Tears were running down my girl’s porcelain cheeks as she walked away. My heart was pounding so hard I feared it would betray my panic—and that I would do anything to keep her. I was losing my edge. I looked up from a rusty nail in the picnic table just in time to meet her hazel eyes. “You’re an ass,” she said quietly. Just a few weeks...

NASA’s CloudSat Ends Mission Peering Into the Heart of Clouds

Over the course of nearly two decades, its powerful radar provided never-before-seen details of clouds and helped advance global weather and climate predictions. CloudSat, a NASA mission that peered into hurricanes, tallied global snowfall rates, and achieved other weather and climate firsts, has ended its operations. Originally proposed as a 22-month mission, the...