Tag - Garden

Another Successful Puffin Project: Teaneck Celebrates Opening of the Michelle Obama Interdisciplinary Outdoor Garden at Thomas Jefferson Middle School

April 22, 2014 First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama has challenged our nation’s youth, parents, educators, and community leaders to make strives to reduce childhood obesity through her “Let’s Move!” campaign. Mrs. Obama’s efforts have contributed to the decline in obesity rates among preschoolers in many states. Inspired by the First Lady, in 2013 the Thomas Jefferson...

Major New Work Arriving Soon at the Puffin Sculpture Garden

November 17, 2017 Recent visitors to Puffin have been asking about the excavation site in the Puffin Sculpture Garden. We are pleased to announce that a new sculpture honoring the extraordinary life of activist-folk singer Pete Seeger will soon arrive. This major work, commissioned by the Puffin Foundation has been created by renowned sculptor Gary Sussman (pictured...

Sols 4166-4167: A Garden Full of Rocks

Here on Earth (in Toronto, specifically), it’s a very typical April which can’t quite make up its mind about whether or not it wants to be spring. On Mars (in Gale Crater), we’re well into spring, and Curiosity is enjoying the (relatively) warmer weather. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, I find myself with lots of energy, itching to get outside and...

Sols 4166-4167: A Garden Full of Rocks

Here on Earth (in Toronto, specifically), it’s a very typical April which can’t quite make up its mind about whether or not it wants to be spring. On Mars (in Gale Crater), we’re well into spring, and Curiosity is enjoying the (relatively) warmer weather. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, I find myself with lots of energy, itching to get outside and...

1 Medicine Root Garden Program: 3 Levels of Gardening Courses, 9 Months of Classrooms and hands-on instruction, over 50 Gardening students, and over 50,000 pounds of produce grown on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

In 2023, the Medicine Root Garden program, operated by our partner on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, the Oyate Teca Project, trained or assisted 62 individuals ages 5 to 57 in its mission to “help teach our people how to feed themselves by teaching them how to grow their food,” reported director Rose Fraser. Impact by the numbers!  The program served people in 13...