Tag - FULL

The Next Full Moon is the Strawberry Moon

Friday evening, July 5, 2024, at 6:57 PM EDT, will be the new Moon, when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from the Earth. The day of or the day after the New Moon marks the start of the new month for most lunisolar calendars. Saturday, July 6 will be the start of the sixth month of the Chinese year of the Dragon. Sundown on July 6...

The Next Full Moon is the Flower, Corn, or Corn Planting Moon

As this lunar cycle progresses, Saturn and the background of stars will appear to shift westward each evening, while Mars will hover low on the eastern horizon, drifting slightly to the left. Mercury, rising after morning twilight begins, will also drift towards the left, moving closer each morning towards where the Sun is rising, making it more difficult to see as...

Full Informed Consent in Medical Settings

Full Informed Consent in Medical Settings

The Department of Health and Human Services (the Department), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), recently published new guidance on informed consent from patients in medical settings, with special emphasis on particularly sensitive procedures or those including anesthesia. This is an important precedent to signal larger movements of...

Alive & Full – Scalawag

When I say God is a cop, I mean to say god       is a sergeant of sapphire and riot. He loves me       is a sergeant over at the local precinct. He keeps following me       like a meteor hurling itself into my muddy emollient,      like he’s looking for a good reason to pick me up       my fated impermanence.       or shoot. I can’t just say it plain. Not...

Sols 4166-4167: A Garden Full of Rocks

Here on Earth (in Toronto, specifically), it’s a very typical April which can’t quite make up its mind about whether or not it wants to be spring. On Mars (in Gale Crater), we’re well into spring, and Curiosity is enjoying the (relatively) warmer weather. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, I find myself with lots of energy, itching to get outside and...

Sols 4166-4167: A Garden Full of Rocks

Here on Earth (in Toronto, specifically), it’s a very typical April which can’t quite make up its mind about whether or not it wants to be spring. On Mars (in Gale Crater), we’re well into spring, and Curiosity is enjoying the (relatively) warmer weather. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, I find myself with lots of energy, itching to get outside and...

IFFBoston is in Full Swing

The Independent Film Festival Boston (or IFFBoston, as it is widely known) is back this week, but not necessarily in the form it was hoping. We’re at a strange time now, making that slow return to a new normalcy as we start to successfully beat back a global pandemic. Many thought, and hoped, things like movie viewing might be happening in person now, 14 months after...