Tag - Friendly

Easton Fourth Grader Invents Friendly Fishing Lure – Easton Courier

Ava Faustini knew what she wanted to create when she and her fourth-grade classmates at Samuel Staples Elementary School were asked to invent something that solves a real-world problem. Ava Faustini with her invention the Lure Protector 5000. Photo by Rick Falco “I like to fish, and I noticed that lures are really sharp,” said Ava. “So, I made them to protect people...

Listen to Ruby Central’s André Arko on the Friendly Show!

ICYMI André Arko, our head of open source, was a guest on the Friendly Show last month! He shared about the history of RubyGems and Bundler, what it takes to maintain these huge open source projects, the future of RubyGems, how Ruby Central is supporting all of this, and more. Take a listen and let us know your thoughts!

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