Tag - fraud

“There’s no vote fraud” until a Democrat Congressman pleads guilty to it – Conservative Partnership Institute

“There’s no vote fraud” until a Democrat Congressman pleads guilty to it – Conservative Partnership Institute

Philadelphia is well known among election integrity advocates as a hotbed of ballot corruption and manipulation. One would expect the usual leftist activists to be committing these vote crimes. This cohort now includes former Democrat Congressman Michael J. ‘Ozzie’ Myers who pled guilty on June 6 to bribing a judge and stuffing ballot boxes, proving once again that...

Lori Roman talks with Cleta about how to protect elderly voters from manipulation, intimidation and fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

Lori Roman talks with Cleta about how to protect elderly voters from manipulation, intimidation and fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

In the run-up to the 2020 elections, American Constitutional Rights Union created an important outreach program to senior citizens and senior residential facilities that brought attention to fraud, voter manipulation, and undue influence in voting by political operatives and facilities staff.  Truly a form of elderly abuse, many cases of stolen and manipulated senior...

The Never-Ending Revelations of 2020 Election Fraud and Irregularities….Despite Denials of the Media and the Left – Conservative Partnership Institute

The Never-Ending Revelations of 2020 Election Fraud and Irregularities….Despite Denials of the Media and the Left – Conservative Partnership Institute

According to a US attorney for New York State, an investigation revealed two Iranian nationals “were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the presidential election.” In Wisconsin and Michigan, elderly voters were targeted for ballot theft. In Arizona, 50,000 votes remain murky. How much fraud is too...

The local camel’s nose pushing under the national election fraud tent – Conservative Partnership Institute

The local camel’s nose pushing under the national election fraud tent – Conservative Partnership Institute

The left often lurches toward bad policy through baby steps, claiming, “it’s not THAT, it’s just THIS.” Although federal law is silent on allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections, some states block it in their constitutions, as liberal states and cities push it. As part of their incremental plan to give non-citizens full voting “rights,” the New York City...

Federal indictments prove online voter registration is a pathway to fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

Federal indictments prove online voter registration is a pathway to fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

No transaction is more secure than one that is face-to-face. No civic duty is more important than voting. The intersection of these facts occurs during the voter registration process. Liberals are pushing for online registration, which leads to significant opportunities for fraud and abuse. As The Heritage Foundation’s election integrity expert Hans von Spakovsky...

Will today’s Virginia elections corrupted by the same old liberal fraud schemes – Conservative Partnership Institute

Will today’s Virginia elections corrupted by the same old liberal fraud schemes – Conservative Partnership Institute

With Virginia parents fed up with liberal, racist school policy in the state, and its citizens tired of non-sensical regulations from Covid tyrants, today’s off-year election is making liberals nervous and turning to tried and true methods of institutional fraud and ballot abuse. Leftist groups are manipulating the system, and liberal election officials are already...