Tag - Fed

Dems’ Push for Fed Control of All Elections Is Going Nowhere – Conservative Partnership Institute

Dems’ Push for Fed Control of All Elections Is Going Nowhere – Conservative Partnership Institute

Early this summer, Senate Democrats tried to advance H.R. 1, a sweeping bill designed to launch a partisan federal takeover of America’s elections. They failed to win over even every Democrat in Congress. Now, they are offering a bill they’ve dubbed the Freedom to Vote Act, though a more honest name would be the Freedom to Cheat Act. Democrats say it’s new, but it’s...

Former Fed Leaders, Economists Rally Around Carbon Tax

Former Fed Leaders, Economists Rally Around Carbon Tax

WASHINGTON—An all-star roster of former Federal Reserve leaders and White House economic advisers are signing on to a new statement in support of a carbon tax on businesses that sends the revenue to U.S. citizens. Former Fed chair Alan Greenspan and former Council of Economic Advisers chief Austan Goolsbee are among dozens of economists now backing a set of...