Tag - falsely

Democrat’s falsely named “voting rights” bill defeated in the Senate – Conservative Partnership Institute

Democrat’s falsely named “voting rights” bill defeated in the Senate – Conservative Partnership Institute

On a predominantly party-line vote, the federal takeover of elections — and measures that would put vote integrity in jeopardy — was defeated in the U.S. Senate on January 19.  With Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) fulfilling their promise not to override the filibuster, these liberal measures were soundly defeated. More from Breitbart.com The...

House Democrat report tortures data to falsely justify the left’s need to steal states’ Constitutional election rights – Conservative Partnership Institute

House Democrat report tortures data to falsely justify the left’s need to steal states’ Constitutional election rights – Conservative Partnership Institute

The left will do anything to bolster its false premise that America’s 50 states can’t conduct “fair” elections.  They manipulate data and invent false narratives to prove their point. House Democrats’ recent Congressional report falsely identifies all election integrity procedures as being race-based and discriminatory. The best governance is closest to the people...