Tag - facts

Election Integrity Facts Must Triumph Over Deceptive Language from the Left in Michigan Ballot Question….and in Every State – Conservative Partnership Institute

Election Integrity Facts Must Triumph Over Deceptive Language from the Left in Michigan Ballot Question….and in Every State – Conservative Partnership Institute

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project, is not just a veteran election lawyer and policy expert, as well as a messaging guru regarding election laws and policy, but a friend to every voter in our country who wants elections to be honest, lawful and fair – and believe that all legal votes should be counted accurately. Jason and his team were on...

Biden judicial nominee confuses legal facts with partisan fiction – Conservative Partnership Institute

Biden judicial nominee confuses legal facts with partisan fiction – Conservative Partnership Institute

Fair, impartial judges are important advocates for election integrity and the protection of citizens’ votes. When a judicial nominee repeats a false liberal narrative that shows bias and avoidance of Constitutional law, red flags should blaze. Nancy Abudu, President Biden’s 11th circuit appellate nominee is a product of leftist advocacy groups and recently compared...