Tag - Environment

Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

New York voters reject election proposals making it easier to cheat: same-day voter registration and eliminating pre-election 10- day blackout period for registering to vote both defeated.  More
The post Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections appeared first on Election Integrity Network.

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President’s Environment: In This Time of Transition

President’s Environment: In This Time of Transition

We have been learning a lot this year. We now know that we can share our science in the absence of in-person meetings, we can even teach from home. It is not ideal; we are facing multiple challenges and limitations by doing so. We are keenly aware of how much we miss interacting with our colleagues in person. However, looking at the bright side, virtual activities...

President’s Environment: SFS Committed to Inclusion

President’s Environment: SFS Committed to Inclusion

Hi everyone! I hope the Salt Lake City (SLC) meeting was enjoyed by all who attended! We owe much to the meeting organizers and our conference services – they did a wonderful job! Of utmost importance to SFS members is the degree to which meeting attendees – new and old, alike – felt valued and respected by others and that the meeting venue and vibe was welcoming to...

President’s Environment: In This Time of Transition

President’s Environment: In This Time of Transition

We have been learning a lot this year. We now know that we can share our science in the absence of in-person meetings, we can even teach from home. It is not ideal; we are facing multiple challenges and limitations by doing so. We are keenly aware of how much we miss interacting with our colleagues in person. However, looking at the bright side, virtual activities...

Students Celebrate Rockets, Environment at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center

At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, sustainability and preservation efforts here on Earth are as much of a priority as rocket launches, spacecraft, and the exploration of worlds beyond our own. In celebration of Earth Day 2024, nearly 100 students from Andrew Jackson Middle School in Titusville, Florida, and a virtual audience of students across the country, attended...

The PROVE IT Act is a Win for U.S. Industry and the Environment

On January 18, 2024, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works advanced the bipartisan “Providing Reliable, Objective, Verifiable Emissions Intensity and Transparency (PROVE IT) Act.” Introduced by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND), the bill tasks the Department of Energy (DOE) with analyzing the emission intensity of specific goods...