Tag - Energy

Giant Batteries Deliver Renewable Energy When It’s Needed

Solar power is abundant – when the Sun is shining. Wind power is steady – when the wind is blowing. However, creating a steady electricity supply from intermittent power sources is a challenge. NASA was focused on this problem more than 45 years ago when the agency designed a new type of liquid battery during the energy price shocks of the 1970s. While engineers...

New Energy Source Powers Subsea Robots Indefinitely

Power modules driven by ocean temperatures save money, reduce pollution No one has mapped more territory than NASA. The agency not only charts stars and other planets but also maps Earth from orbit. Now a NASA invention could let robots map our planet’s entire seafloor, helping to unlock resources while protecting habitats. The sonar devices for such an operation are...

Twin NASA Satellites Ready to Help Gauge Earth’s Energy Balance

Information from the PREFIRE mission will illuminate how clouds and water vapor in the Arctic and Antarctic influence the amount of heat the poles radiate into space. A pair of new shoebox-size NASA satellites will help unravel an atmospheric mystery that’s bedeviled scientists for years: how the behavior of clouds and water vapor at Earth’s polar regions affects our...

We Can’t Slow Climate Change Without the Energy Companies

We Can’t Slow Climate Change Without the Energy Companies

There is a real danger that the climate debate is deteriorating into a game of name-calling, with oil and gas companies all too often portrayed as opponents of climate progress. But polarizing the debate in this fashion will not get us any closer to solving the problem. We can achieve far greater and faster emissions reductions if environmentalists and energy...

Bonus Beltway energy and climate notes

Bonus Beltway energy and climate notes

Executives with corporate heavyweights like Exxon, Ford and IBM are meeting with Democratic and Republican senators this week on climate policy. Where it stands: The meetings are under the banner of the Climate Leadership Council, a group of companies and environmental groups pushing a carbon tax that would return the revenues to the public. Why it matters: It...