Tag - Enable

NASA’s Compact Infrared Cameras Enable New Science

A new, higher-resolution infrared camera outfitted with a variety of lightweight filters could probe sunlight reflected off Earth’s upper atmosphere and surface, improve forest fire warnings, and reveal the molecular composition of other planets. The cameras use sensitive, high-resolution strained-layer superlattice sensors, initially developed at NASA’s Goddard...

Accountability Expectations: Getting Them Right to Enable Public Servants to Serve

Accountability Expectations: Getting Them Right to Enable Public Servants to Serve Post Date: May 10, 2017 By: Shelley MetzenbaumThis week, we pause to celebrate and thank the millions of government workers engaged in public service. Let me suggest that we also commit to fixing government systems to make it easier for government employees to make meaningful progress...

NASA Selects Commercial Service Studies to Enable Mars Robotic Science

Nine companies have been selected to conduct early-stage studies of concepts for commercial services to support lower-cost, higher-frequency missions to the Red Planet. NASA has identified nine U.S. companies to perform a total of 12 concept studies of how commercial services can be applied to enable science missions to Mars. Each awardee will receive between...

MEDIA ADVISORY: NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment: “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments”

MEDIA ADVISORY: NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment: “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments” Post Date: April 16, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration, Arizona State University, the American Geographical Society and the National Academy of...

NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment, “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments”

NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment, “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments” Post Date: May 01, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration, Arizona State University, the American Geographical Society and the National Academy of Construction today...

Pushing the Limits of Sub-Kilowatt Electric Propulsion Technology to Enable Planetary Exploration and Commercial Mission Concepts

Planetary science missions using small spacecraft will be required to perform challenging propulsive maneuvers—such as achieving planetary escape velocities, orbit capture, and more—that require a velocity change (delta-v) capability well in excess of typical commercial needs and the current state-of-the-art. Therefore, the #1 enabling technology for these small...