Tag - Embraced

How a newsroom embraced collaboration and solutions coverage of climate change | by Solutions Journalism

Image courtesy of Steve MacLaughlin by Steve MacLaughlin and Ariel Rodriguez Ariel and I met in Dallas, Texas, in the early 2000s, when I was forecasting and broadcasting the weather at NBC-owned KXAS and he was forecasting at Telemundo 39. We were both clearly seeing with our own eyes –and increasing alarm — how the climate was changing. However, we were finding it...

How a newsroom embraced collaboration and solutions coverage of climate change | by Solutions Journalism | Jun, 2024

Image courtesy of Steve MacLaughlin by Steve MacLaughlin and Ariel Rodriguez Ariel and I met in Dallas, Texas, in the early 2000s, when I was forecasting and broadcasting the weather at NBC-owned KXAS and he was forecasting at Telemundo 39. We were both clearly seeing with our own eyes –and increasing alarm — how the climate was changing. However, we were finding it...