Tag - embrace

WKKF Global Fellows embrace local wisdom at Cazumbada in Brazil

  Members of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Global Fellows Network had the opportunity to experience the vibrant and inspiring community of Baixada Maranhão in northeast Brazil. This rural region is home to quilombos, which are communities established by formerly enslaved Black and Indigenous people. The fellows were deeply moved by the collective spirit, resilience...

Why Cyber Defenders Should Embrace a Hacker Mindset

Originally published by Pentera. Written by Nelson Santos. Today’s security leaders must manage a constantly evolving attack surface and a dynamic threat environment due to interconnected devices, cloud services, IoT technologies, and hybrid work environments. Adversaries are constantly introducing new attack techniques, and not all companies have internal Red Teams...

Over the next five years financial services are going to revolutionised, as the sector’s large incumbents seize the opportunity to embrace change

The industry-wide chatbot bandwagon is picking up momentum, partly because chatbots are perceived as a way to engage with younger generations—who as a demographic cohort don’t think too much about saving. That is why Mastercard and Capital One have both launched conversational agents which provide 24/7 customer service at the tap of a finger; and consultancy...