Tag - Elections

Restoring Confidence in Government Begins with Restoring Confidence in Elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

Restoring Confidence in Government Begins with Restoring Confidence in Elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

by Mac Warner WV Secretary of State Restoring confidence in our government begins with confidence in our elections. Election confidence has two main components: transparency and process.  Much of the recent focus has been on transparency over matters such as vote totals and legal challenges not heard by our courts. Some people point to recounts and certified results...

Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal talks with Cleta about Reclaiming America’s Elections Through Citizen Action

Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal talks with Cleta about Reclaiming America’s Elections Through Citizen Action

Kim Strassel, prize-winning Wall Street Journal columnist and editorial board member, discusses the runup to the 2020 election and how the left manipulated election laws and offices to impact the outcome. She urges citizens to “get engaged in their electoral systems” in order to fight the left’s infiltration of election offices nationwide. Kim is the author of...

80% of Manchin supporters say no to feds taking over state elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

80% of Manchin supporters say no to feds taking over state elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

A recent poll of West Virginians by the Honest Elections Project makes it clear that citizens of the Mountain State — particularly supporters of Senator Joe Manchin – do not want federal bureaucrats interfering with existing state election law. In huge numbers, his voters want him to stick with opposing the filibuster, to drop his objections to photo ID for voting...

Are voters or Mark Zuckerberg in control of elections? – Conservative Partnership Institute

Are voters or Mark Zuckerberg in control of elections? – Conservative Partnership Institute

Aggressive progressives are finding more ways to work around the system to influence elections for their own agenda. They are unconcerned about the integrity of the system or access for ALL voters. The left’s own Mark Zuckerberg is funding ideologically driven nonprofits to arrange a private takeover of government election operations and increase liberal votes — this...

Dems’ Push for Fed Control of All Elections Is Going Nowhere – Conservative Partnership Institute

Dems’ Push for Fed Control of All Elections Is Going Nowhere – Conservative Partnership Institute

Early this summer, Senate Democrats tried to advance H.R. 1, a sweeping bill designed to launch a partisan federal takeover of America’s elections. They failed to win over even every Democrat in Congress. Now, they are offering a bill they’ve dubbed the Freedom to Vote Act, though a more honest name would be the Freedom to Cheat Act. Democrats say it’s new, but it’s...

Black voters expected to have a strong impact on Virginia elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

Black voters expected to have a strong impact on Virginia elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

Conservative, African American commentator Deroy Murdock notes that in today’s VA elections, black voters will turn out, make an impact, and look to Republican candidates in greater numbers than ever in the state. As Democrat elites try to manipulate minority voters, conservative candidates have reached out to the minority community, many of whom reject liberals’...

Will today’s Virginia elections corrupted by the same old liberal fraud schemes – Conservative Partnership Institute

Will today’s Virginia elections corrupted by the same old liberal fraud schemes – Conservative Partnership Institute

With Virginia parents fed up with liberal, racist school policy in the state, and its citizens tired of non-sensical regulations from Covid tyrants, today’s off-year election is making liberals nervous and turning to tried and true methods of institutional fraud and ballot abuse. Leftist groups are manipulating the system, and liberal election officials are already...

Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

New York voters reject election proposals making it easier to cheat: same-day voter registration and eliminating pre-election 10- day blackout period for registering to vote both defeated.  More
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States’ primary constitutional authority over elections is determined by the Constitution — not Speaker Pelosi – Conservative Partnership Institute

States’ primary constitutional authority over elections is determined by the Constitution — not Speaker Pelosi – Conservative Partnership Institute

Over 230 years of American voting traditions show that states have primary authority over elections; this is also fully settled in Constitutional law. Yet, leftists and their Democrat allies continue to push for unilateral, partisan control of voters by unlawfully federalizing elections. This report from Republicans on the Committee on House Administration explains...