Tag - Election

Election Security 2024: Cyber Threats, Disinformation & AI

Originally published by CXO REvolutionaries. Written by Rob Sloan, VP, Cybersecurity Advocacy, Zscaler. 2024 is a big year for elections. Dozens of parliamentary and presidential elections take place, including in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Mexico, and the threat of cyberattacks and artificial intelligence-driven...

Purple Pens and Knitting Patterns Reveal Election Problems – Conservative Partnership Institute

Purple Pens and Knitting Patterns Reveal Election Problems – Conservative Partnership Institute

This interview is part of EIN’s “After and Before” Series. After 2020 and 2022, and Before 2024: Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell Podcasts discussing state-by-state experiences in 2022 from the Election Integrity Network’s citizen leaders: The bad…but also the good – and the positive difference an election integrity infrastructure made and is making in state after...

Exposing the left’s dangling golden carrot of election corruption – Conservative Partnership Institute

Exposing the left’s dangling golden carrot of election corruption – Conservative Partnership Institute

Scott Walter is president of Capital Research Center — “America’s Investigative Think Thank” —  an organization researching and reporting on the influence of special interests on policy, politics – and elections. Its Influence Watch project is an invaluable encyclopedia of over 10,000 public policy influencers and highlights the undue influence of left-wing money...

In Wake of Twitter Files Released Proving the Seizure of 2020 Election – Conservative Partnership Institute

In Wake of Twitter Files Released Proving the Seizure of 2020 Election – Conservative Partnership Institute

In October 2021, Cleta sat down with Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist and discussed her amazing book released in May 2021 about the 2020 election, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. It is worth watching and listening again to Mollie, to realize how completely accurate she was in describing how America’s powerful elites...

the DOJ continues its “flabbergasting” leftist campaign against election integrity – Conservative Partnership Institute

the DOJ continues its “flabbergasting” leftist campaign against election integrity – Conservative Partnership Institute

When this episode of “Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell” podcast originally aired in May of 2022, guest Maureen Riordan – a veteran attorney, retired from the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division – warned of the hyper-partisan and leftist ideology that dominates the DOJ swamp. During the 2022 election cycle, the Department of Justice proved...

The Left’s Plans to Brainwash Local Election Officials Against Election Integrity and Transparency – Conservative Partnership Institute

The Left’s Plans to Brainwash Local Election Officials Against Election Integrity and Transparency – Conservative Partnership Institute

Jason Snead is the Executive Director of the Honest Elections Project, an organization that is a national leader in the effort to protect the rights of every lawful voter while advocating for pro-election integrity protections.  The Honest Elections Project recently partnered with the pre-eminent North Carolina state think tank, The John Locke Foundation, to research...

Citizens must take ACTION NOW to Save Our Elections – Join our Campaign for Action for Election Integrity – Conservative Partnership Institute

Citizens must take ACTION NOW to Save Our Elections – Join our Campaign for Action for Election Integrity – Conservative Partnership Institute

In this first anniversary episode of our Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell podcast, Cleta recounts the building of the Election Integrity Infrastructure across America in 2021 and 2022. But MOST importantly, Cleta summons everyone to TAKE ACTION NOW to help save our elections: Sign up to be a Poll Worker or Poll Watcher in YOUR state! Click here to volunteer as a...