Tag - East

Afghan Convert Faces Fears in the Middle East

A young woman from Afghanistan who came to faith as a refugee in a Middle Eastern country feared her husband would divorce or kill her if she took off her head covering. Removal of her hijab would reveal that she had left Islam, and the leader of a native ministry prayed with the young mother of two children about her fears and shared Scripture with her. “She came...

Middle East Muslims Want to Know the Real God

“Then on Sunday, he came to our worship service and continued coming for a number of months,” he said. “He wasn’t opposed to anything he heard and even joined in singing hymns with us.” Hamza’s friends at university heard he was attending church services and mocked him, but by then he was immune to their taunts; he had put his faith in Christ and responded to them by...

Christ Revealed to Truth Seekers in the Middle East

By some miracle, Saif’s wife escaped to Lebanon during his detention, but Saif was not so lucky. He was tortured and, in the midst of this nightmare, he began to believe that his religion—the Islam he’d faithfully followed and to which ISIS also claimed to be faithful—could not be from God. “I started every night praying in my heart and saying if there is a God in...