Tag - Dreamstarter

Dreamstarter Creatives show how art is intertwined with much of native culture and tradition

Art is intertwined with much of native culture and tradition.  That is why Running Strong provides grants to native artists to create, innovate, and share their artistic expression with their communities. These 2023 Dreamstarter Creative grant recipients each have uniquely crafted artistry to share the interplay between art and the native community. Joe Harjo Joe...

Dreamstarter Incubator Expanding and Training Micro-Enterprise Grant recipients on Pine Ridge

In August 2022, Running Strong for American Indian Youth® announced a new, exciting expansion of our Dreamstarter® program –Dreamstarter Incubator – designed to continue supporting the dreams of Native communities for the long term after their original Dreamstarter projects have concluded. Our first Dreamstarter Incubator is Dreamstarter entrepreneur Josh Smith from...

Introducing the 2024 Dreamstarter Storytellers

As a follower of Running Strong you likely know the story of our Dreamstarter program; inspired by Billy’s Dream, we created the Dreamstarter program to uplift the next generation of American Indian youth, and help make their dreams come true through a combination of financial support, hands-on mentorship, networking, and communications training. Since 2015,  Running...