Tag - Death

Spotted: ‘Death Star’ Black Holes in Action

A team of astronomers have studied 16 supermassive black holes that are firing powerful beams into space, to track where these beams, or jets, are pointing now and where they were aimed in the past, as reported in our latest press release. Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) National Radio Astronomical Observatory’s...

Life and Death in Strawberry Land – Scalawag

In September 2018, three days before my twenty-second birthday, The Washington Post published an article called: “The Strawberry Capital of the World is the early death capital of the U.S.: lessons from a landmark dataset.” It says that my hometown Stilwell, Oklahoma, has the lowest life expectancy in the United States. It says that people who live there...

Death, Revolution, Desire, and the Specter of Freedom – Scalawag

“We are at war, and we’ve been at war for over 400-something years now […] I want [freedom], and I’ll die for this.”  Samaria Rice, mother of Tamir Rice and founder/CEO of the Tamir Rice Foundation, spoke those words on a recent roundtable about family, freedom, and security, moderated by Joy James. Those words took me back to the foreword I...

Even in death, there is no freedom from Israeli prison – Scalawag

Palestinians hold photographs of prisoners jailed in Israel during a celebration for the liberation of Palestinian Khader Adnan in the West Bank village of Arrabeh, near Jenin, Wednesday, April 18, 2012. The same week, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel launched a hunger strike the protesting their conditions and demanding an end to detentions without...

How Alim Braxton made a music video from Death Row – Scalawag

by ALIM BRAXTON, AKA RROME ALONE June 22, 2023 ABOLITION WEEK “Prisoner of War” is a condensed musical autobiography that documents my journey from street crime to reformed prisoner in my ongoing quest for redemption. It is a follow-up release to my first video, “Live on Death Row,” and it is the first single for my upcoming debut album, Mercy...

How Prop 66 is transforming Death Row—and not for the better – Scalawag

Above: Federal receiver Robert Sillen in the prison yard at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California, on June 14, 2007. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)CONDEMNED Timothy James Young is a wrongfully convicted prisoner on San Quentin’s death row who writes about social justice issues. He is a visionary and a thinker who uses his pen to fight for freedom...

On Grief and Perpetual Black Trans Death and Resurrection – Scalawag

For one to become a saint, by definition, [they] must have their entire lives examined, must show evidence of heroic virtue, undergo “beautification” in which that individual may be honored by a specific group or region, and then perform at least two miracles posthumously. As examined in Alice Walker’s In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens, Black...

Response to The Death of Alexey Navalny – Nova Ukraine

Mr. Navalny -– an icon of russian opposition to putin — has perished while being held as a political prisoner in russia. Just like for earlier attempts to poison him, the responsibility for Mr. Navalny’s death — state-executed murder — goes directly to putin. Mr. Navalny is one of many victims of the dictatorial system that blatantly violates human rights, despises...

Henry Drake’s exoneration from Death Row – Scalawag

Content note: This essay contains descriptions of lynchings and murder. “When you’re on death row, you’re there to be killed.”“That’s it, yessir.”“And do you think about that every day?”“Every day…all day long. When that door open, that’s it. You’re gon’ die.” Henry Arthur Drake was...