Tag - Constitution

Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

Voters approve change to NY Constitution on ‘clean’ environment, reject proposals on elections – Conservative Partnership Institute

New York voters reject election proposals making it easier to cheat: same-day voter registration and eliminating pre-election 10- day blackout period for registering to vote both defeated.  More
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States’ primary constitutional authority over elections is determined by the Constitution — not Speaker Pelosi – Conservative Partnership Institute

States’ primary constitutional authority over elections is determined by the Constitution — not Speaker Pelosi – Conservative Partnership Institute

Over 230 years of American voting traditions show that states have primary authority over elections; this is also fully settled in Constitutional law. Yet, leftists and their Democrat allies continue to push for unilateral, partisan control of voters by unlawfully federalizing elections. This report from Republicans on the Committee on House Administration explains...

Amending Florida’s constitution to save its waterways – Scalawag

We take modern amenities for granted. When we flip a switch in our homes, we expect the lights to come on. But if you’re in New Orleans or another American city struggling with its energy infrastructure, that might not always be the case. When we take the trash out, we expect the fees we pay to our respective municipalities will cover the costs. It...

The Constitution Isn’t In Crisis—But the Border Still Is – Conservative Partnership Institute

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