Tag - Common

New Flash — Americans favor common sense voter ID laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

New Flash — Americans favor common sense voter ID laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

U.S. voters are not with the activist left that is trying to block voter ID laws in every state and voting jurisdiction. In a new Gallup poll, nearly 80% of Americans favor photo ID for voting, leaving one to wonder, “what’s wrong with the other 20 percent?” But despite this good news, the poll also shows the election integrity movement has more work to do as 65...

Communists make common cause with anti-election security Democrats – Conservative Partnership Institute

Communists make common cause with anti-election security Democrats – Conservative Partnership Institute

“Good heavens,” you ask. “Why are you printing an article from the Communist Party?” It is instructive and important to understand who election security adversaries are and who they align with as we continue to fight for laws that protect every lawful ballot. In this article, the CPUSA lists all the election protections that they join in coalition with liberals and...

Liberal Florida judge issues discriminatory ruling on common sense voting rules – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal Florida judge issues discriminatory ruling on common sense voting rules – Conservative Partnership Institute

Judge Mark Walker of the US District Court for the Northern District of Florida is an Obama appointee who sees voter “discrimination” lurking everywhere. Because of his liberal record, it was no surprise that he recently shut down Florida’s new election integrity laws by claiming requirements to provide ID to vote and stricter controls on drop boxes would “have a...

Common Sense Solutions to the Student Debt Crisis. Just one of the many many articles and journalists Puffin supports every year. This one in Vogue no less.

January 15, 2016   Here’s How to Solve the Student Debt Crisis: Make College Free JANUARY 13, 2016 1:45 PMby ASTRA TAYLOR Sometime in 2008, I got a phone call informing me I had defaulted on my student loans. I had thought I was in a deferment period, but I had moved several times, and I wasn’t receiving the letters in the mail telling me my payments were past due...