Tag - Clouds

Our Story – Cutting-Edge Technology Comes to Red Cloud’s Classrooms

←BACK   Learning the Lakota language is part of life at Red Cloud. With only 6,000 fluent—and rapidly aging—speakers left, keeping the language alive means encouraging a new generation to learn and use the language in their daily lives. And for language teacher Roger White Eyes, that’s where using technology comes in.     Several years ago, in a professional...

Moving Forward: Red Cloud’s Fifth Annual Lakota Language Camp

←BACK         Early this summer, under a warm June sun, small groups of Red Cloud students ran across campus calling out to one another in the Lakota language. They were taking part in a Lakota version of the “Amazing Race”—an interactive game that was designed especially for this year’s fifth annual Lakȟól’iya Wičhóthi or Lakota Language Camp. To teach campers...

Red Cloud’s Class of 2019 Looks Toward the Future

←BACK In the weeks leading up to graduation, Red Cloud senior Emonee Pourier ‘19 reflected on her years at Red Cloud, and thought about what she’d miss the most. “I’ll miss the friendly faces I get to see every single day,” she said. “This is our last week of school, and we’re all getting emotional. This is the last Monday we’ll get to walk to lunch together.” Her...

NASA’s CloudSat Ends Mission Peering Into the Heart of Clouds

Over the course of nearly two decades, its powerful radar provided never-before-seen details of clouds and helped advance global weather and climate predictions. CloudSat, a NASA mission that peered into hurricanes, tallied global snowfall rates, and achieved other weather and climate firsts, has ended its operations. Originally proposed as a 22-month mission, the...