Tag - Cheat

Dr. Alveda King & Ambassador Ken Blackwell on Biden-Harris Speech Regarding the Freedom to Cheat Act – Conservative Partnership Institute

Dr. Alveda King & Ambassador Ken Blackwell on Biden-Harris Speech Regarding the Freedom to Cheat Act – Conservative Partnership Institute

President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’s speech in Atlanta today was an insult to all Americans, especially those in the African American community. We were deeply involved in the wars that started and ended the Civil Rights movement in this country. The President and Vice President’s misguided insistence on the ignorant, false claim that America is somehow...

Data shows Virginia voters also defeated Dems’ “easy to cheat” laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

Data shows Virginia voters also defeated Dems’ “easy to cheat” laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

On November 2, Virginians soundly rejected progressive anti-family, anti-American policies and their advocates. Just as important is the climate in which they did it. In recent years, majority state Democrats made 60 changes to VA voting laws that made it easier to cheat as ID laws were loosened, ballot trafficking was made legal, no excuse absentees ballots were...

Data shows Virginia voters also defeated Dems’ “easy to cheat” laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

Data shows Virginia voters also defeated Dems’ “easy to cheat” laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

On November 2, Virginians soundly rejected progressive anti-family, anti-American policies and their advocates. Just as important is the climate in which they did it. In recent years, majority state Democrats made about 60 changes to VA voting laws that made it easier to cheat as ID laws were loosened, ballot trafficking was made legal, no excuse absentees ballots...

The H.R. 4 John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act makes it easy to cheat and hard to protect voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

The H.R. 4 John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act makes it easy to cheat and hard to protect voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

The Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James and Hans von Spakovsy, Manager of its Election Law Reform Initiative have issued a strong statement noting that H.R. 4’s pathway to federal bureaucrat control of elections would inject cheating and corruption into the system. This law does anything but honor the legacy of Rep. Lewis, and the Heritage statement includes...

“Freedom to Cheat Act” could be on the Senate’s agenda next week – Conservative Partnership Institute

“Freedom to Cheat Act” could be on the Senate’s agenda next week – Conservative Partnership Institute

Senator Angus King of Maine (claims to be an “I” but caucuses with the “Ds”) has telegraphed that the misnamed “Freedom to Vote Act” he co-sponsored could rear its ugly head for a vote soon. Senator King says he doesn’t know “what is going on” with Democrat bills promoting cheating and corruption, and he is not alone. A number of anti-vote security bills are in play;...