Tag - Backs

Exxon’s New CEO Backs Carbon Tax Too

Exxon’s New CEO Backs Carbon Tax Too

Will it have an effect on national policy? Or is it just the opinion of the new chief executive of Exxon Mobil, Darren Woods? Since he replaced Rex Tillerson — now the Secretary of State — Woods said he would favor a revenue-neutral carbon tax. That “would promote greater energy efficiency and the use of today’s lower-carbon options, avoid further burdening the...

Big Oil backs carbon tax push

Big Oil backs carbon tax push

A strange bedfellows coalition, including four of the world’s biggest oil and natural gas producers, environmental groups and political leaders, are announcing a unified push urging Congress to enact a carbon tax to address climate change on Wednesday. Why it matters: The support of major oil and natural gas companies — Exxon Mobil Corp., Royal Dutch Shell, Total and...

From Greenspan to Yellen, Economic Brain Trust Backs Carbon Tax

From Greenspan to Yellen, Economic Brain Trust Backs Carbon Tax

An all-star lineup of economists, from Alan Greenspan to Paul Volcker, is endorsing a plan to combat climate change by slapping a tax on greenhouse gas emissions and then distributing the revenue to American households. All living former Federal Reserve chairs, several Nobel Prize winners and previous leaders of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers have...