Tag - Archive

Haunting the archive – Scalawag

"'I wonder' do we really believe what we say/live/do?? I don't think so. We behave as if a crisis does not exist." — Tamara Mitchell-Ford, February 9th, 2010 There are dozens of articles online about my mother, Tamara Mitchell-Ford. Since the 1990s, she has been the object of incessant fascination in local papers and news segments in Memphis, Tennessee, my hometown...

Image Gallery and Audio Archive

We have just updated our site with a new Image Gallery, which features some of the most interesting craft renderings we have received over the years.
In addition, our Data Bank now includes a link to an online archive of vintage recordings of calls made to the center’s hotline during the 70’s.

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New RECAP Archive Search Is Now Live | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner January 18, 2024 In 2016, we launched a major new search engine for the RECAP Archive. Since then, it has grown in usage and size, measuring in at over four hundred million items and receiving about thirty thousand queries per day. Today, after nearly a year of work, and several months in beta, we’re launching a brand-new search engine for the...