Tag - alert

ALERT! “Rigged” Choice Voting Robs Voters of Ballots and Throws Elections Into Chaos – Conservative Partnership Institute

ALERT! “Rigged” Choice Voting Robs Voters of Ballots and Throws Elections Into Chaos – Conservative Partnership Institute

In recent weeks, more citizens have become aware of a dangerous threat to America’s election process called “Ranked Choice Voting.” It is appearing in legislation in many states, mostly recently in Virginia, and is sometimes even embraced by Republicans who have not done enough homework to understand the danger it represents.   RCV results in votes being discarded...

Discovery Alert: Spock’s Home Planet Goes ‘Poof’

The bad news for Star Trek fans comes from an instrument known as NEID, a recent addition to the complex of telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory. NEID, like other radial velocity instruments, relies on the “Doppler” effect: shifts in the light spectrum of a star that reveal its wobbling motions. In this case, parsing out the supposed planet signal at various...

Discovery Alert: Mini-Neptune in Double Star System is a Planetary Puzzle

So the detection of planet TOI 4633 c was a welcome departure. That isn’t only because its 272-day orbit places it in fairly exclusive company: 175 transiting planets found so far with years longer than 100 days, and only 40 over 250 days. The planet, detected using TESS (the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), also orbits in the habitable zone, the distance from...

Discovery Alert: An Earth-sized World and Its Ultra-cool Star

The exoplanet SPECULOOS-3 b is about 55 light-years from Earth (really close when you consider the cosmic scale!) and nearly the same size. A year there, one orbit around the star, takes about 17 hours. The days and nights, though, may never end: The planet is thought to be tidally locked, so the same side, known as the dayside, always faces the star, like the Moon...

SAS Bulletin – Alert Followup Monday 9/27/10

SAS Bulletin – Alert Followup Monday 9/27/10

SAS Bulletin – Alert Followup Monday 9/27/10 Today saw one extremely promising development:  Representative Bart Gordon, Chairman of the House Science Committee and leading spokesman for the HR.5781 House version NASA Authorization, has conceded that the only practical way of “..providing certainty, stability, and clarity to the ...

Space Access Political Alert 10/6/99

Space Access Political Alert 10/6/99

Space Access Political Alert 10/6/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 10/6/99 ____________________________________________________________________ HUD/VA Conference Finally Happens Thursday 10/7 1:30 PM EDT Extra Money May Be Available for NASA Future-X - Fax or Call The Conferees By Thursday Noon EDT! Summary: "Please add $50 million to NASA Future-X for low-cost...

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99 ____________________________________________________________________ HUD/VA Conference Due Late This Week Or Early Next Money May Be Available for NASA Future-X - Fax or Call These Appropriators ASAP! Summary: The job now is persuading the HUD/VA (NASA) Appropriators to "designate...