Tag - Advantage

Why We Should Leverage U.S. Solar’s Carbon Advantage

Worldwide solar capacity has increased over two thousand-fold in the last 20 years to more than 700 gigawatts, putting solar power at the center of the clean energy transition. As the industry has grown, prices have fallen dramatically, speeding the installation of solar capacity and lowering the carbon intensity of electric generation. Today, the U.S. is a small—but...

The U.S. Carbon Advantage in Chemicals Manufacturing

The U.S. Carbon Advantage in Chemicals Manufacturing

The Climate Leadership Council’s Center for Climate and Trade hosted a virtual event unveiling a first-of-its-kind study on America’s carbon efficiency advantage in the chemicals industry. The key takeaway: the U.S. is one of the cleanest players in the global chemicals industry, generating significantly less emissions to produce the same chemicals as key...

Why Does America Have a Carbon Advantage?

The United States is one of the world’s most carbon efficient economies, producing goods with far less emissions than almost any other economy. This “carbon advantage” has been well documented, first by the Council and subsequently by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Why is the U.S. so much more efficient than most of its key trading...

Majority advantage in Senate seats up for re-election, 1790 – 2018 – Conservative Partnership Institute

Majority advantage in Senate seats up for re-election, 1790 – 2018 – Conservative Partnership Institute

Majority advantage in Senate seats up for re-election, 1790 – 2018 – Conservative Partnership Institute Year Majority Seats Up Minority Seats Up MajorityAdvantage 2018 6 26 20 2008 12 23 11 1954 12 20 8 1898 11 19 8 1928 12 19 7 1982 13 19 6 1952 13 19 6 1972 14 19 5 2004 15 19 4 1896 13 17 4 1882 11 15 4 1934 14 17 3 1884 11 14 3 1846 8 11 3 1842 7 10 3 1836 7...

New Study Highlights Carbon Advantage of U.S. Chemicals Industry

The chemicals industry can play a pivotal role in decarbonizing the global economy. Chemical products serve as ingredients in the fuels and technologies that are essential for cutting emissions, such as building insulation, hydrogen fuel, and lightweight materials used in automobiles. The sector itself is also the third largest source of industrial emissions. By...

Articulating the U.S. Carbon Advantage

Climate Leadership Council research has demonstrated that American manufacturers across industries are highly carbon efficient compared to overseas competitors. This “carbon advantage” was initially highlighted in the Council’s 2020 study, America’s Carbon Advantage. The study revealed significant variations in the carbon efficiency of industries based on factors...