Tag - Activation

NASA Science Activation Program Wins Prestigious Award

SciAct engages learners of all ages in all 50 states and 4 US territories with Earth and space science. Through an extensive network of nearly 600 partners, SciAct develops, co-creates, validates, and disseminates effective learning resources and activities to support the needs of learners in their pursuit of knowledge, including specific underrepresented groups such...

NASA Science Activation Teams Present at National Rural STEM Summit

NASA Science Activation (SciAct) teams participated in the National Rural STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) Summit held June 4-7, 2024 in Tucson, Arizona. Hosted by Kalman Mannis of the Rural Activation and Innovation Network (Arizona Science Center) and the SciTech Institute, the summit fostered learning and sharing among organizations...