Tag - Accord

The Business Case for the Paris Climate Accord

The Business Case for the Paris Climate Accord

President Trump faces a choice that will echo across his presidency and beyond: whether to remain in the Paris climate agreement. Although most Americans, his own secretaries of state and energy, and heads of state from around the globe are urging the president to stay, he remains undecided. Let us hope that a newly invigorated pro-Paris campaign by many of America’s...

Trump ran as an ally to business — but snubbed America’s CEOs by pulling out of the Paris accord

Trump ran as an ally to business — but snubbed America’s CEOs by pulling out of the Paris accord

President Trump campaigned as the real estate executive who was going to bring a businessman’s sensibilities to Washington. During the transition, he rolled out the welcome mat at Trump Tower, inviting a parade of CEOs from every industry imaginable. He stocked his Cabinet with business leaders, suggested to Silicon Valley chieftains there was an open line to his...

Climate Progress is Not Dependent on Paris Accord

Climate Progress is Not Dependent on Paris Accord

[…] These founding members of the Climate Leadership Council are proposing a new consensus climate solution based on carbon dividends. Their plan is built on four interdependent pillars: a gradually rising carbon tax; with revenues returned to citizens in the form of monthly dividends; border carbon adjustments to level the playing field on trade and maintain the...