Willow Society – The Shade Tree

The Willow Society is our esteemed monthly recurring donor club dedicated to making a significant impact on the lives of survivors of domestic violence and their families. By joining the Willow Society, you become an integral part of our mission at The Shade Tree, enabling us to provide essential funding for a range of crucial services. Your generous contributions directly support children’s activities, providing a safe and nurturing environment for the children of domestic violence survivors to heal and thrive. Additionally, your support helps provide bed nights, ensuring that survivors have a warm and secure place to call home during their journey to self-reliance. Your donations provide valuable resources and meals to those seeking refuge, easing their transition and empowering them to rebuild their lives.

The Willow Society plays a vital role in sustaining our workforce readiness program, offering survivors the skills and opportunities needed to achieve self-sufficiency and regain control of their futures. Together, we can create a brighter, safer, and more promising future for those in need, breaking the cycle of violence and fostering hope and healing within our community. Join the Willow Society today and become a catalyst for positive change. 

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