Space Access ’04 Conference Schedule & Info 4/19/04

Space Access ’04 Conference Schedule & Info 4/19/04

          Space Access '04 Conference Schedule & Info, 4/19/04 
     April 22-24 at the Ramada Hotel, 401 N 1st St, Phoenix Arizona 

The Ramada is sold out for Thursday and Friday, though it may be worth 
calling over the next few days to see if cancellations have opened up a 
room or two.  If you have rooms booked at the Ramada, they should be at 
the $79 "Space Access" rate - our contract specifies our attendees get 
that rate right through the conference, if rooms are available.  If 
you're being charged more in error, contact the hotel at 602 258-3411, 
let them know you're attending the space access conference, and ask them 
to correct the rate.  If you have any problems, contact us ASAP via 
email at [email protected], or call us at 602 431-9283. 

Preregistrations need to reach us by the afternoon of Wednesday April 
21st.  See for pre-reg 
details.  SA'04 registration is $120 at the door, student rate $30, cash 
or check only, day rates available.  (There's a cash machine in the 
hotel lobby.)  And yes, it is our policy to charge speakers too - what 
can we say, we need the money.  Exceptions can be made if a speaker's 
company for some reason won't cover it, or for anyone anywhere near as 
impecunious as us. 

Any speaker we've scheduled at an impossible time, please contact 
us ASAP.  Speakers should plan to make their main points in the first 
three-quarters or so of their timeslot, to leave time for audience Q&A.  
We apologize for the tight scheduling, but it is necessary in order to 
maintain a single-track program.  We will have a video projector with 
VGA and s-video inputs, an overhead viewfoil projector, a DVD player, 
and a VHS VCR. 

Local weather through the conference is forecast to be sunny and dry, 
mid-to-high eighties, overnight lows in the sixties. 

Directions to our hotel: From Interstate 10, exit at 7th Street (not 7th 
Avenue) and head south for 3/4 mile on 7th to Van Buren.  Turn right on 
Van Buren, and drive west for just under 1/2 mile to 1st St.  Turn right 
on 1st St and head north for one block; the Ramada will be on the right. 

From the airport: Follow the signs for the 24th st (west) end of the 
airport.  Turn right on 24th st and head north for about 3/4 mile to Van 
Buren.  Turn left on Van Buren and follow it about 2 1/2 miles to 1st 
st.  Turn right on 1st St and head north for one block; the Ramada will 
be on the right. 

From the airport by cab: Go to the South curb from baggage claim; this 
will save you a mile of cabfare over going to the North curb.  Phoenix 
cab rates are unregulated and can vary a lot - check with the driver.  
The distance to the Ramada (401 N 1st St, downtown) should be in the 
neighborhood of four miles, depending on which terminal you're at. 

                        Space Access '04 Schedule 

Thursday Afternoon, April 22nd 

 1:00 pm   Hospitality opens in Room 470, Registration opens in 
           the main hotel lobby. 

 1:55 pm   Thursday sessions start - brief welcome by SAS Executive       
           Director Henry Vanderbilt 
 2:00 pm   Henry Spencer, "The Other Half Of The Problem - Beyond LEO" 

 4:00 pm   midafternoon break 

 4:40 pm   Henry Vanderbilt, "Interesting Projects" - a quick review 
           of some low-cost launch projects whose principals couldn't 
           make it this year. 

 5:20 pm   George Herbert, "You're Going To Burn It Anyway: Expendable 
           Bulk Cargo Lift"

 6:00 pm   dinner break 

 8:00 pm   Jeff Greason, "An Informal Workshop On The FAA AST License 

 9:30 pm   Leik Myrabo, "Beamed Energy Propulsion: A Brief Survey Of A 
           Very Active Field" 

10:10 pm   TBA

  late     Hospitality closes 

Friday, April 23rd 

 8:00 am   Hospitality and Registration open

 8:55 am   brief welcome and announcements 

 9:00 am   George Nield, FAA AST 

 9:40 am   Len Cormier, PanAero, "Space Van 2008"  

10:20 am   midmorning break 

11:00 am   Peter Diamandis, X-Prize 

11:40 am   Peter Diamandis, Zero-G Corp 
12:10 pm   Joan Horvath, "What Does The Public Think We're DOING In 

12:30 pm   lunch break 

 2:00 pm   Jim Muncy, PoliSpace, "News From The Beltway" 

 2:40 pm   Henry Spencer, "Launch Sites: A Global Overview"

 3:20 pm   Laurie Wiggins, ToSpace
 3:50 pm   midafternoon break 

 4:30 pm   John Powell, JP Aerospace 

 5:10 pm   Jerry Pournelle, "X-Projects: How Government Can Help, 
           Not Harm" 

 5:50 pm   dinner break 

 8:00 pm   John Hare, "Minimum Requirements For Useful Airbreathing 
           Propulsion, And A Possible Approach" with demonstration

 8:30 pm   Dennis Wingo, Orbital Recovery Corp

 9:10 pm   Liability & Insurance Issues For Commercial Space Operators - 

10:00 pm   Pat Bahn, The Suborbital Institute 

  late     Hospitality closes 

Saturday, April 24th 

 8:00 am   Hospitality and Registration open 

 8:55 am   brief welcome and announcements 

 9:00 am   Dan DeLong, XCOR Aerospace

 9:40 am   George Herbert, "Orbital Space, Plain: Crewed Utility 

10:20 am   midmorning break

11:00 am   Brant Sponberg, NASA office of Exploration, "Introduction To 
           NASA's Centennial Challenges Program" 

12:00 pm   Pat Bahn, TGV Rockets

12:30 pm   lunch break 

 2:00 pm   Rick Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation 

 2:30 pm   Barbara Thompson, NASA GSFC, "Space Weather - Conditions, 
           Considerations, and Forecasting" 

 3:10 pm   Dave Masten, Experimental Rocket Propulsion Society 

 3:40 pm   midafternoon break 

 4:20 pm   John Carmack, Armadillo Aerospace 

 5:00 pm   Brian "Rocket Guy" Walker
 5:40 pm   TBA

 6:00 pm   dinner break 

 8:00 pm   Leik Myrabo, "Update On The Lightcraft Project" 

 9:00 pm   Discussion Session, Moderated Open Mike - two minutes to make 
           your point followed by a minute or two for questions, times 
           expandable at the moderator's discretion, including but not 
           limited to the subjects This Year's Political Priorities, 
           NASA Moon Mars & Beyond, and What Next After The X-Prize. 

  late     Hospitality closes - see you next year! 

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