SAS Policy Summary 12/27/03

SAS Policy Summary 12/27/03

As for SAS's current view of things, here, briefly, it is: 

 - Radically cheaper space access (ten to a hundred times less than 
current costs) would be a massive public good, enhancing existing 
space markets and opening up potentially huge new ones, creating new 
opportunities for research, exploration, commerce, and defense. 

 - Such access is possible in the near term with current technology, 
at sufficiently high flight rates.  Rocketry has become more medium-
tech than high, as witness among other things growing third-world 
missile proliferation.  At the same time, modern lightweight 
materials and electronics greatly ease combining the necessary high 
performance, the ability to abort intact in case of problems, and 
fast-turnaround reusability, allowing breakout from the traditional 
expendable-missile "ammunition" design mindset, with potential huge 
benefits to low-cost reliability. 

What's been lacking to date has been the proper combination of 
reasonable goals (it's DC-3 time, not 747), sensible focussed 
management, good engineering (KISS), and funding.  Much depends on a 
leap of faith that large new markets will emerge to support the 
necessary higher flight rates - "if you build it, they will come".  
At least two such new markets, tourism and post revolution-in-
military-affairs defense, are growing steadily less speculative. 

As for who might produce such access anytime soon... 

 - Certainly Not NASA 

In the best of all possible worlds, we'd have long ago dismantled the 
NASA "human spaceflight" empire for being a massively inflexible 
bureaucracy neither capable of making nor willing to make any 
significant changes in what they do: Flying a half-dozen people on a 
half-dozen missions a year at over a billion dollars a mission.  We'd 
have put money into low-cost access X-projects and investment 
incentives, and once the results started flying we'd have rebuilt NASA 
as a genuine leading-edge research and exploration agency flying 
hundreds of times a year on other people's rockets at less cost than 
it now flies a half-dozen times a year on its own. 

Alas, in this imperfect world NASA JSC/KSC/MSFC represents a volume of 
Federal funding impossible to radically redirect with the available 
political capital.  The current White House still has only thin 
Congressional majorities, and obviously has higher priorities than 
radical reform of NASA - the loss of Columbia and the damning CAIB 
Report may have changed this equation, but how much so is not yet 
clear.  Administrator O'Keefe's immediate brief at NASA still seems 
to be what he was hired to do - to stop the bleeding, to impose 
actual accounting of where the money goes and to steer the agency 
back toward meeting existing obligations without busting future 

In this context, we see the "Orbital Space Plane" (OSP) project as 
being the best ("least bad", if you will) use of the existing NASA 
new-launch funding wedge of a billion or so a year practical under 
current political constraints.  It is a definite improvement on 
NASA's previous "Space Launch Initiative" goal of a budget-busting 
all-up Shuttle replacement designed primarily to drop painlessly 
into the current Shuttle operations bureaucracy, yet also touted as 
meeting US commercial launch needs - seriously muddying the waters 
for genuine commercial space transportation investment. 

OSP has the virtue of assuring NASA's minimum manned launch needs 
(whatever one may think of the current agency, we do now have 
international obligations to meet) without much danger of anyone 
plausibly pretending it addresses commercial markets too.  OSP will 
definitely need external supervision, however - NASA so far is 
showing every sign of bloating OSP into a drawn-out over-budget 
Shuttle-minus-the-payload-bay if left to their own devices.  

One thing we would like to see from NASA (though we're not holding 
our breath) would be for them to publicly state that launch cost 
reductions impractical in the context of their large and inflexible 
organization, complex requirements, and miniscule flight rate may be 
eminently practical elsewhere - NASA's repeated oversimplification 
of "it's impossible for us" into "it's impossible" seriously muddys 
the waters for commercial cheap-launch investment.  

 - Probably Not DOD 

The Defense Department is starting to get interested.  Discussing 
the military implications of near-term radically cheaper on-demand 
launch hasn't been career suicide for a couple of years now, DARPA 
is funding some useful work, and the Air Force is starting to make 
interested noises about fast-response space access.  Unfortunately 
DOD's last reorganization consolidated space under USAF, which over 
the medium term is allergic to anything which might compete with 
F-22 and F-35 funding.  We don't expect DOD to produce radically 
cheaper access anytime soon. 

 - Almost Certainly Not BoeNorLock 

The existing major aerospace companies may or may not still be 
organizationally capable of developing radically cheaper space 
transportion - recent signs are not good - but this is a moot 
question, since absent a deep-pockets government customer, none of 
them will try.  They've had that sort of risk-taking thoroughly 
squeezed out of them over the last generation.  It ain't gonna happen.

 - The Startups 
This leaves the entrepreneurial startups as our main hope for a cheap 
space transportation revolution.  None of them yet look like much - a 
few of them have test-flown hardware, but on average they tend to be a 
handful of engineers with shoestring funding, an ambitious business 
plan, and a partially refined design - but historically, every time 
there's been a revolution in transportation technology, new companies 
have taken over from the old established leaders.  The massively 
complex organizational structures that evolved to squeeze marginally 
acceptable reliability out of modified artillery rockets are more 
hindrance than help in dealing with the new high-flight-rate reusable 
paradigm.  The startups should be supported and encouraged - 
individually they're long shots, but collectively they're by far our 
best bet for a spacefaring future. 

Practically speaking, this means we at SAS are supporting the folks 
competing for the X-Prize (and a few who chose other paths) while 
encouraging the Federal commercial launch regulators to strike a 
reasonable balance between public safety and not strangling this new 
industry in its cradle.  We have seen significant progress in this 
regard in the last year.  

One of the more useful things we can see to do right now is to 
support HR 3245, the Commercial Space Act of 2003, which codifies 
and formalizes some of these gains, making them far less subject to 
regulatory agency infighting or the whim of future White Houses. 

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