New Articles March 3-10 | Society for Freshwater Science

New Articles March 3-10


Bashevkin, S.M., J.H. Christy, S.G. Morgan. Photoprotective benefits of pigmentation in the transparent plankton community: A comparative species experimental test. Ecology.

Bemal S. & Anil A.C. Picophytoplankton Synechococcus as food for nauplii of Amphibalanus amphitrite and Artemia salina. Hydrobiologia.

Gao B., Huang L., Wang F., Zhang C.Trachydiscus guangdongensis sp. nov., a new member of Eustigmatophyceae (Stramenopiles) isolated from China: morphology, phylogeny, fatty acid profile, pigment, and cell wall composition. Hydrobiologia.

Strzepek, R.F., P.W. Boyd, W.G. Sunda. Photosynthetic adaptation to low iron, light, and temperature in Southern Ocean phytoplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Rennie M.D., Kennedy P.J., Mills K.H., Rodgers C.M.C, Charles C., Hrenchuk L.E., Chalanchuk S., Blanchfield P.J., Paterson M.J., & Podemski C.L. Impacts of freshwater aquaculture on fish communities: A whole‐ecosystem experimental approach. Freshwater Biology.

Aquatic-Terrestrial Connections

Frtiz K.A., Whiles M.R., & Trushenski J.T. Subsidies of long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids from aquatic to terrestrial environments via amphibian emergence. Freshwater Biology.

Markus‐Michalczyk H., Zenchang Z., & Bouma T.J. Morphological and biomechanical responses of floodplain willows to tidal flooding and salinity. Freshwater Biology.

Van den Broeck M., Rhazi L., Waterkeyn A., Madihi M.E., Grillas P., Kneitel J.M., & Brendonck L. Livestock disturbances in Mediterranean temporary ponds: A mesocosm experiment with sheep manure and simulated trampling. Freshwater Biology.


Shao N.F., Yang S.T., Sun Y., Gai Y., Zhao C.S., Wang F., Yin X., & Dong B. Assessing aquatic ecosystem health through the analysis of plankton biodiversity. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Yamamoto S. Morita K., & Sahashi G.Spatial and temporal changes in genetic structure and diversity of isolated white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) populations. Hydrobiologia.

Biogeochemical Cycling

Grasset C., Abril G., Mendonca R., Roland F., & Sobek S. The transformation of macrophyte‐derived organic matter to methane relates to plant water and nutrient contents. Limnology and Oceanography.

McManamay R.A., Linam F., Mathews T.J., Brooks S.C., & Peterson M.J.Scaling mercury biodynamics from individuals to populations: Implications of an herbivorous fish on mercury cycles in streams. Freshwater Biology.

Ecohydrology and Ecohydraulics

Herbst D.B., Coope S.D., Medhurst R.B., Wiseman S.W., & Hunsaker C.T.Drought ecohydrology alters the structure and function of benthic invertebrate communities in mountain streams. Freshwater Biology.

Entwistle N., Heritage G., & Milan D. Ecohydraulic modelling of anabranching rivers. River Research and Applications.

Ecosystem Services

Davidson M.C., van Dam A.A., Finlayson C.M., & McInnes R.J. Worth of wetlands: revised global monetary values of coastal and inland wetland ecosystem services. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Global Change

Hasenfratz, D.P., S.L. Jaccard, A. Martinez-Garcia, D.M. Sigman, D.A. Hodell, D. Vance, S.M. Vernasconi, H. F. Kleiven, F.A. Haumann, G.H. Haug. The residence time of Southern Ocean surface waters and the 100,000-year ice age cycle. Science.

Munsch, S.H., C.M. Greene, R.C. Johnson, W.H. Satterthwaite, H. Imaki, P.L. Brandes. Warm, dry winters truncate timing and size distribution of seaward‐migrating salmon across a large, regulated watershed. Ecological Applications.

Rogers, K., J.J. Kelleway, N. Saintilan, J.P. Megonigal, J.B. Adams, J.R. Holmquist, M. Lu, L. Schile-Beers, A. Zawadzki, D. Mazumder, C.D. Woodroffe. Wetland carbon storage controlled by millennial-scale variation in relative sea-level rise. Nature.

Rypkema, D.C., C. C. Horvitz, S. Tuljapurkar. How climate affects extreme events and hence ecological population models. Ecology.

Sime, L.C., P.O. Hopcroft, R.H. Rhodes. Impact of abrupt sea ice loss on Greenland water isotopes during the last glacial period. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Bird, G., C. Kaczvinsky, A.E. Wilson, N.B. Hardy. When do herbivorous insects compete? A phylogenetic meta‐analysis. Ecology Letters.

Life History

Harding D.J., Roberts D.T., Sternberg D., Mullins T.M., Kennard M.J., & Dwyer R.G. Flow-related migration, juvenile dispersal and gonad development in two co-occurring mullet species, Mugil cephalus and Trachystoma petardi, in a regulated river system. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Karjalainen J., Juntunen J., Keskinen T., Koljonen S., Nyholm K., Ropponen J., Sjovik R., Taskinen S., & Marjomaki T.J. Dispersion of vendace eggs and larvae around potential nursery areas reveals their reproductive strategy. Freshwater Biology.


Savoy P., Appling A.P., Heffernan J.P., Stets E.G., Read J.S., Harvey J.W., Bernhardt E.S. Metabolic rhythms in flowing waters: An approach for classifying river productivity regimes. Limnology and Oceanography.

Predator-Prey Dynamics

Hammerschlag, N., O.J. Schmitz, A.S. Flecker, K.D. Lafferty, A. Sih, T.B. Atwood, A.J. Gallagher, D.J. Irschick, R. Skubel, S.J. Cooke. Ecosystem Function and Services of Aquatic Predators in the Anthropocene. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Jara F.G. The impact of phenology on the interaction between a predaceous aquatic insect and larval amphibians in seasonal ponds. Hydrobiologia.

Schroeder-Spain, K., D.L. Smee. Dazed, confused, and then hungry: pesticides alter predator–prey interactions of estuarine organisms. Oecologia.

Water Quality

Baustian J.J., Piazza B.P., & Bergan J.F. Hydrologic connectivity and backswamp water quality during a flood in the Atchafalaya Basin, USA.

Oberholster P.J., Madlala T., Blettler M.C.M, Amsler M.L., Eberle E.G., & Botha A-M. An eutrophication index for lowland sandy rivers in Mediterranean coastal climatic regions of Southern Africa. River Research and Applications.

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