New Articles March 18 – 24

New Articles March 18 – 24


Cayuela, H., S.S. Cruickshank, H. Brandt, A. Ozgul, B.R. Schmidt. Habitat‐driven life history variation in an amphibian metapopulation. Oikos.

Jelizakov, A., R. Lorrilliere, A. Besnard, J. Garnier, M. Silvestre, F. Chiron. Cross‐scale effects of structural and functional connectivity in pond networks on amphibian distribution in agricultural landscapes. Freshwater Biology.

Animal Behavior

Lei, J., Y. Jia, Y. Wang, G. Lei, C. Lu, N. Saintilan, L. Wen. Behavioural plasticity and trophic niche shift: How wintering geese respond to habitat alteration. Freshwater Biology.

Citizen Science

Allen, D.C., D.A. Kopp, K.H. Costigan, T. Datry, B. Hugueny, D.S. turner, G.S. Bodner, T.J. Flood. Citizen scientists document long-term streamflow declines in intermittent rivers of the desert southwest, USA. Freshwater Science.

Thornhill, I., S. loiselle, W. Clymans, C. G. E. van Noordwijk. How citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators. Freshwater Science.


Eveleens, R.A., A.R. McIntosh, H.J. Warburton. Interactive community responses to disturbance in streams: disturbance history moderates the influence of disturbance types. Oikos.

Ecosystem Production

Spilling, K., A. Fuentes-Lema, D. Quemalnos, R. Klais, C. Sobrino. Primary production, carbon release, and respiration during spring bloom in the Baltic Sea. Limnology and Oceanography.


Grummer, J.A., L.B. Beheregaray, L. Bernatchez, B.K. hand, G. Luikart, S.R. Narum, E.B. Taylor. Aquatic Landscape Genomics and Environmental Effects on Genetic Variation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Ioassa, G. Sex-Specific Differences in Thermal Fertility Limits. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.


Arnhold, T.R., J. Penha, B.K. Peoples, L.A.F. Mateus. Positive co‐occurrence between feeding‐associative savannah fishes depends on species and habitat. Freshwater Biology.

Maire, A., E. Thierry, W. Viechtbauer, M. Daufresne. Poleward shift in large‐river fish communities detected with a novel meta‐analysis framework. Freshwater Biology.

McDermott, G.R., K.C. Meng, G.G. McDonald, C.J. Costello. The blue paradox: Preemptive overfishing in marine reserves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Moran, C.J., C.L. Rzucidlo, D.J. Ellerby, S.P. Gerry. Laboratory constraints on feeding behaviours in polymorphic bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Freshwater Biology.

Mulder, I.M. J.B. Dempson, I.A. Fleming, M. Power. Diel activity patterns in overwintering Labrador anadromous Arctic charr. Hydrobiologia.

Food Webs

Kokkonen, E., S. Mitikka, H. Huuskonen, M. Olin, J. Ruuhijarvi, A. Vainikka. Structural equation models suggest that bottom‐up processes override top‐down processes in boreal pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) lakes. Freshwater Biology.

Intermittent Rivers

del Campo, R., R. Gomez, G. Singer. Dry phase conditions prime wet‐phase dissolved organic matter dynamics in intermittent rivers. Limnology and Oceanography.

Invasive Species

Andrade-Restrepo, M., N. Champagnat, R. Ferriere. Local adaptation, dispersal evolution, and the spatial eco‐evolutionary dynamics of invasion. Ecology Letters.

Messager, M.L., J.D. Olden. Phenotypic variability of rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) at the leading edge of its riverine invasion. Freshwater Biology.


Belmar, O., D. Bruno, S. Guareschi, A. Mellado-Diaz, A. Millan, J. Velasco. Functional responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to flow regulation are shaped by natural flow intermittence in Mediterranean streams. Freshwater Biology.

Swartz, L.K. B.R. Hossack, E. Muths, R.L. Newell, W.H. Lowe. Aquatic macroinvertebrate community responses to wetland mitigation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Freshwater Biology.

Wolters, J.-W., R.E. Reitsema, R.C.M. Verdonschot, J. Schoelynck, P.F.M. Verdonschot, P. Meire. Macrophyte‐specific effects on epiphyton quality and quantity and resulting effects on grazing macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Biology.


Crowther, T.W., C. Riggs, E.M. Lind, E.T. Borer, E.W. Seabloom, S.E. Hobbie, J. Wubs, P.B. Adler, J. Firn, L. Gherardi, N. Hagenah, K.S. Hofmockel, J.M.H. Knops, R.L. McCulley, A. McDougall, P.L. Peri, S.M. Prober, C.J. Stevens, D. Routh. Sensitivity of global soil carbon stocks to combined nutrient enrichment. Ecology Letters.

Hood, E., J.B. Fellman, R.T. Edwards, D.V. D’Amore, D. Scott. Salmon‐derived nutrient and organic matter fluxes from a coastal catchment in southeast Alaska. Freshwater Biology.

Hossain, M., G.B. Arhonditsis, J.A. Hoyle, R.G. Randall, M.A. Koops. Nutrient management and structural shifts in fish assemblages: Lessons learned from an Area of Concern in Lake Ontario. Freshwater Biology.

Radbourne, A.D., J.A. Elliott, S.C. Maberly, D.B. Ryves, N.J. Anderson. The impacts of changing nutrient load and climate on a deep, eutrophic, monomictic lake. Freshwater Biology.


Abrahms, B., E.L. Hazen, E.O. Aikens, M.S. savoca, J.A. Goldbogen, S.J. Bograd, M.G. Jacox, L.M. Irvine, D.M. Palacios, B.R. Mate. Memory and resource tracking drive blue whale migrations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Meyer-Kaiser, K., M. Bergmann, T. Soltwedel, M. Klages. Recruitment of Arctic deep‐sea invertebrates: Results from a long‐term hard‐substrate colonization experiment at the Long‐Term Ecological Research observatory HAUSGARTEN. Limnology and Oceanography.

Pesticide Effects

Rumschlag, S.L. N.T. Halstread, J.T. Hoverman, T.R. Raffel, H.J. Carrick, P.J. Hudson, J.R. Rohr. Effects of pesticides on exposure and susceptibility to parasites can be generalised to pesticide class and type in aquatic communities. Ecology Letters.


de Souza, C.A., L.C.G. Vieira, P. Legendre, P. de Carvalho, L.F.M. Velho, B.E. Beisner. Damming interacts with the flood pulse to alter zooplankton communities in an Amazonian river. Freshwater Biology.

Lewington-Pearce, L., A. Narwani, M.K. Thomas, C.T. Kremer, H. Vogler, P. Kratina. Temperature‐dependence of minimum resource requirements alters competitive hierarchies in phytoplankton. Oikos.

Menezes, B.S., L.C.P. de Macedo-Soares, A.S. Freire. Changes in the plankton community according to oceanographic variability in a shallow subtropical shelf: SW Atlantic. Hydrobiologia.


Keiser, D.A., C.L. Kling, J.S. Shapiro. The low but uncertain measured benefits of US water quality policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Cornwall, W. The reef builders. Science.

Su, X., L.E. Polvi, L. Lind, F. Pilotto, C. Nilsson. Importance of landscape context for post‐restoration recovery of riparian vegetation. Freshwater Biology.


Kordbacheh, A., A.N. Shapiro, E.J. Walsh. Reproductive isolation, morphological and ecological differentiation among cryptic species of Euchlanis dilatata, with the description of four new species. Hydrobiologia.


Daniel-Simon, J., J.E. Gleason, K. Cottenie, R.C. Rooney. Stochastic and deterministic processes drive wetland community assembly across a gradient of environmental filtering. Oikos.

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