New Articles June 25-July 1

New Articles June 25-July 1

Freshwater-specific journals (5): Freshwater Biology, Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (4): Ecology, Ecology Letters, Oecologia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Miller J.P., Ramos M.A., Hauffe T. & Delicado D. Global species richness of hydrobiid snails determined by climate and evolutionary history. Freshwater Biology.


Duernberger K.A., Tobias C.R. & Mallin M.A. Ecosystem scale nitrification and watershed support of tidal creek productivity revealed using whole system isotope tracer labeling. Limnology and Oceanography.

Fritz K.A. & Whiles M.R. Amphibian-mediated nutrient fluxes across aquatic–terrestrial boundaries of temporary wetlands. Freshwater Biology.

Hanrahan B.R., Tank J.L., Aubeneau A.F. & Bolster D. Substrate-specific biofilms control nutrient uptake in experimental streams. Freshwater Science.

Nidzieko, N. J. Allometric scaling of estuarine ecosystem metabolism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Zhuang G.-C., Montgomery A., Sibert R.J., Rogener M.-K., Samarkin V.A. & Joye S.B. Effects of pressure, methane concentration, sulfate reduction activity, and temperature on methane production in surface sediments of the Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography.


McAllister T.G., Wood S.A., Greenwood M.J., Broghammer F. & Hawes I. The effects of velocity and nitrate on Phormidium accrual cycles: a stream mesocosm experiment. Freshwater Science.

Community Ecology

Cintra R. Waterbird community composition in relation to lake physical traits and wetland limnological conditions in the Amazon basin. Hydrobiologia.

Xingfeng, S., W., C. M., Yuhao, Z., Haonan, Z., Di, Z., Jiaqi, L., … W., T. M. The importance of accounting for imperfect detection when estimating functional and phylogenetic community structure. Ecology.


Kamoroff C. & Goldberg C.S. An issue of life or death: using eDNA to detect viable individuals in wilderness restoration. Freshwater Science.

Fish Ecology

Avigliano E., Pisonero J., Sánchez S., Dománico A. & Volpedo A.V. Estimating contributions from nursery areas to fish stocks in freshwater systems using otolith fingerprints: The case of the streaked prochilod in the La Plata Basin (South America). River Research and Applications.

Food Webs

Moutopoulos D.K., Stoumboudi M.T., Ramfos A., Tsagarakis K., Gritzalis K.C., Petriki O., et al. Food web modelling on the structure and functioning of a Mediterranean lentic system. Hydrobiologia.

Taku, K., Gabriel, G., & S., M. K. Potential oscillators and keystone modules in food webs. Ecology Letters.



Bowen, G. J., Putman, A., Brooks, J. R., Bowling, D. R., Oerter, E. J., & Good, S. P. Inferring the source of evaporated waters using stable H and O isotopes. Oecologia.

Lázaro-Vázquez A., M. C.M., Jarquín-Sánchez A., Carrillo L. & Capps K.A. Temporal changes in the hydrology and nutrient concentrations of a large tropical river: Anthropogenic influence in the Lower Grijalva River, Mexico. River Research and Applications.

Spence C., Beaty K., Blanchfield P.J., Hrenchuk L. & MacKay M.D. The impact of a loss of hydrologic connectivity on boreal lake thermal and evaporative regimes. Limnology and Oceanography.



Tolotti M., Dubois N., Milan M., Perga M.-E., Straile D. & Lami A. Large and deep perialpine lakes: a paleolimnological perspective for the advance of ecosystem science. Hydrobiologia.

Pollution and Stressors

Sinclair J.S. & Arnott S.E. Local context and connectivity determine the response of zooplankton communities to salt contamination. Freshwater Biology.

Population Ecology

Pardede, K. N., Jacob, J., A., C. R., G., S. H., & Hanna, K. Carryover effects from natal habitat type upon competitive ability lead to trait divergence or source–sink dynamics. Ecology Letters.

Terui, A., Ishiyama, N., Urabe, H., Ono, S., Finlay, J. C., & Nakamura, F. Metapopulation stability in branching river networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Brauns M., Boëchat I.G., de Carvalho A.P.C., Graeber D., Gücker B., Mehner T., et al. Consumer-resource stoichiometry as a predictor of trophic discrimination (Δ13C, Δ15N) in aquatic invertebrates. Freshwater Biology.


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