New Articles July 9-22 | Society for Freshwater Science

New Articles July 9-22

Freshwater-specific journals (6): Freshwater Biology, Freshwater Science, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (5): Ecological Applications, Ecology Letters, Nature, Science, Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Algal Ecology

Iatskiu P., Bovo-Scomparin V.M., Segovia B.T., Velho L.F.M., Lemke M.J. & Rodrigues L.C. Variability in mean size of phytoplankton in two floodplain lakes of different climatic regions. Hydrobiologia.

Kulk G., Poll W.H. & Buma A.G.J. Photophysiology of nitrate limited phytoplankton communities in Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen. Limnology and Oceanography.

Levenstein B., Culp J.M. & Lento J. Sediment inputs from retrogressive thaw slumps drive algal biomass accumulation but not decomposition in Arctic streams, NWT. Freshwater Biology.

Ozersky T., Volkova E.A., Bondarenko N.A., Timoshkin O.A., Malnik V. V, Domysheva V.M., et al. Nutrient limitation of benthic algae in Lake Baikal, Russia. Freshwater Science.

Whorley S.B. & Wehr J.D. Multiyear patterns in benthic algal fatty-acid compounds under agricultural stress. Freshwater Science.


Anderson, C. Biodiversity monitoring, earth observations and the ecology of scale. Ecology Letters.

Dallas, T., R, D. R., & Alan, H. Multiple data sources and freely available code is critical when investigating species distributions and diversity: a response to Knouft (2018). Ecology Letters.


Anderson, J. N., J., C. C., J., W. E., J., J. V, S., M., L., S. G., & J., K. Regional variability in the atmospheric nitrogen deposition signal and its transfer to the sediment record in Greenland lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.

Baju, S., & Yeala, S. Mineral iron utilization by natural and cultured Trichodesmium and associated bacteria. Limnology and Oceanography.

Covino, T. P., Bernhardt, E. S., & Heffernan, J. B. Measuring and interpreting relationships between nutrient supply, demand, and limitation. Freshwater Science.

Hawko,J. N., & A., S. M. Competitive inhibition of cobalt uptake by zinc and manganese in a pacific Prochlorococcus strain: Insights into metal homeostasis in a streamlined oligotrophic cyanobacterium. Limnology and Oceanography.

Stukel, M., Biard, T., Krause, J., & D., O. M. Large Phaeodaria in the twilight zone: Their role in the carbon cycle. Limnology and Oceanography.

Su Y., Hu E., Liu Z., Jeppesen E. & Middelburg J.J. Assimilation of ancient organic carbon by zooplankton in Tibetan Plateau lakes is depending on watershed characteristics. Limnology and Oceanography.

Climate Change

Chen, X., & Tung, K.-K. Global surface warming enhanced by weak Atlantic overturning circulation. Nature.

Rohr., R. J., J., C. D., M., C. J., A., R. E., Barry, S., & I., D. A. The complex drivers of thermal acclimation and breadth in ectotherms. Ecology Letters.

Santer, B. D., Po-Chedley, S., Zelinka, M. D., Cvijanovic, I., Bonfils, C., Durack, P. J., … Zou, C.-Z. Human influence on the seasonal cycle of tropospheric temperature. Science.

Community Ecology

Fridolfsson, E., Lindehoff, E., Lagrand, C. & Hylander, S. Thiamin (vitamin B1) content in phytoplankton and zooplankton in the presence of filamentous cyanobacteria. Limnology and Oceanography.

Galbraith, H., L., D. J., J., B. C., C., C. J., Barbara, S. J. W., Steve, M., & A., L. W. Reestablishing a host-affiliate relationship: migratory fish reintroduction increases native mussel recruitment. Ecological Applications.

Josué, I. I. P., Cardoso, S. J., Miranda, M., Mucci, M., Ger, K. A., Roland, F., & Marinho, M. M. Cyanobacteria dominance drives zooplankton functional dispersion. Hydrobiologia.

Muhl, R. M., L., R. D., Tamar, Z., Maria, M.-G., Ulrich, S., Gábor, B., … Joydeb, B. Resisting annihilation: relationships between functional trait dissimilarity, assemblage competitive power and allelopathy. Ecology Letters.

Vehmaa, A, Tarja, K., & Ulrika, C. Long-term changes in a zooplankton community revealed by the sediment archive. Limnology and Oceanography.


Bahn, M., & Ingrisch, J. Accounting for Complexity in Resilience Comparisons: A Reply to Yeung and Richardson, and Further Considerations. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Yeung, A. C. Y., & Richardson, J. S. Expanding Resilience Comparisons to Address Management Needs: A Response to Ingrisch and Bahn. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Fish Ecology

Adair B.J., Purser G.J. & Patil J.G. Peripheral olfactory structures and maturity-related crypt receptor neuron kinetics in the olfactory epithelium of carp Cyprinus carpio (L.): implications for carnal vulnerability and pest management. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Husemann, M., Tobler, M., Ding, B., Nguyen, R., McCauley, C., Pilger, T., & Danley, P. D. Complex patterns of genetic and phenotypic divergence in populations of the Lake Malawi cichlid Maylandia zebra. Hydrobiologia.

Kovac, R., Boileau, N., Muschick, M., & Salzburger, W. The diverse prey spectrum of the Tanganyikan scale-eater Perissodus microlepis (Boulenger, 1898). Hydrobiologia.

Říčan, O., Říčanová, Š., Dragová, K., Piálek, L., Almirón, A., & Casciotta, J. Species diversity in Gymnogeophagus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) and comparative biogeography of cichlids in the Middle Paraná basin, an emerging hotspot of fish endemism. Hydrobiologia.

Flow-Ecology Relationships

Goodman D.H., Som N.A. & Hetrick N.J. Increasing the availability and spatial variation of spawning habitats through ascending baseflows. River Research and Applications.

Robinson C.T., Siebers A.R. & Ortlepp J. Long-term ecological responses of the River Spöl to experimental floods. Freshwater Science.


Food Webs

Berggren,M, P., B., A., S. A. R., & J., K. Terrestrial support of zooplankton biomass in northern rivers. Limnology and Oceanography.

Frenken, J., Wierenga, J., Donk, E., Declerck, S. A., Senerpont Domis Lisette, N., Rohrlack, T., & Van de Waal Dedmer, B. Fungal parasites of a toxic inedible cyanobacterium provide food to zooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography.

Mamani, A., Koncurat, M. L., & Boveri, M. Combined effects of fish and macroinvertebrate predation on zooplankton in a littoral mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia.

Vage, S., Gunnar, B., Jorun, E., Mikal, H., Aud, L., Svein, N., … Frede, T. T. Simple models combining competition, defence and resource availability have broad implications in pelagic microbial food webs. Ecology Letters.


Entwistle, N., Heritage, G., & Milan, D. Flood energy dissipation in anabranching channels. River Research and Applications.

Lauro C., Vich A.I.J. & Moreiras S.M. Regional flood frequency analysis in the central-western river basins of Argentina. River Research and Applications.

Invasive Species

Peng D., Chen L., Pennings S.C. & Zhang Y. Using a marsh organ to predict future plant communities in a Chinese estuary invaded by an exotic grass and mangrove. Limnology and Oceanography.


Hampton S.E., McGowan S., Ozersky T., Virdis S.G.P., Vu T.T., Spanbauer T.L., et al. Recent ecological change in ancient lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.

Labaj A.L., Michelutti N. & Smol J.P. Cladocera in shallow lakes from the Ecuadorian Andes show little response to recent climate change. Hydrobiologia.

Seekell D.A., Byström P. & Karlsson J. Lake morphometry moderates the relationship between water color and fish biomass in small boreal lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.

Teffera F.E., Lemmens P., Deriemaecker A., Deckers J., Bauer H., Gamo F.W., et al. Why are Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo so different? A limnological comparison of two neighboring major Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes. Hydrobiologia.

Wagner T. & Schliep E.M. Combining nutrient, productivity, and landscape-based regressions improves predictions of lake nutrients and provides insight into nutrient coupling at macroscales. Limnology and Oceanography.


Alberts J.M., Fritz K.M. & Buffam I. Response to basal resources by stream macroinvertebrates is shaped by watershed urbanization, riparian canopy cover, and season. Freshwater Science.

Bertoli M., Brichese G., Pastorino P., Prearo M., Vignes F., Basset A., et al. Seasonal multi-annual trends in energy densities of the midges (genus Chironomus) in a Mediterranean temporary wetland (Natural Regional Reserve of the Isonzo River Mouth, Northeast Italy). Hydrobiologia.

Cardoso M.N., Calvão L.B., de Assis Montag L.F., Godoy B.S. & Juen L. Reducing the deleterious effects of logging on Ephemeroptera communities through reduced impact management. Hydrobiologia.

Heling C.L., Stelzer R.S., Drecktrah H.G. & Koenigs R.P. Spatial variation of benthic invertebrates at the whole-ecosystem scale in a large eutrophic lake. Freshwater Science.

Kendrick M.R., Hershey A.E. & Huryn A.D. Disturbance, nutrients, and antecedent flow conditions affect macroinvertebrate community structure and productivity in an Arctic river. Limnology and Oceanography.

McCreadie, J. W., & Adler, P. H. Patterns of regional beta diversity in a widespread group of North American aquatic insects. Freshwater Science.

Niedrist, G. H., Cantonati, M., & Füreder, L. Environmental harshness mediates the quality of periphyton and chironomid body mass in alpine streams. Freshwater Science.

Saito, R., Kato, S., Kuranishi, R. B., Nozaki, T., Fujino, T., & Tojo, K. Phylogeographic analyses of the Stenopsyche caddisflies (Trichoptera: Stenopsychidae) of the Asian Region. Freshwater Science.

Torres M.V., Giri F. & Collins P.A. Temporal and spatial patterns of freshwater decapods associated with aquatic vegetation from floodplain rivers. Hydrobiologia.

Wrozyna, C., Meyer, J., Gross, M., Ramos, M. I. F., & Piller, W. E. Definition of regional ostracod (Cytheridella) morphotypes by use of landmark-based morphometrics. Freshwater Science.


Li, S., S., H. C., P., S.-B. J., & C., P. S. Climate drivers of Zizaniopsis miliacea biomass in a Georgia, U.S.A. tidal fresh marsh. Limnology and Oceanography.

Trindade, C. R. T., Landeiro, V. L., & Schneck, F. Macrophyte functional groups elucidate the relative role of environmental and spatial factors on species richness and assemblage structure. Hydrobiologia.

Management and Restoration

Drake, D., Gray, B., & Forbes, N. Aquatic vegetation responses to island construction (habitat restoration) in a large floodplain river. River Research and Applications.

Raimundo, R. L. G., Guimarães Jr, P. R., & Evans, D. M. Adaptive Networks for Restoration Ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Physical Environment

MacIntyre S., Crowe A.T., Cortés A. & Arneborg L. Turbulence in a small arctic pond. Limnology and Oceanography.


Kaliszewicz, A. Sex ratio patterns and trade-off between sexual and asexual reproduction in the brown hydra. Freshwater Science.

Maier, E., Zhang, X., Abelmann, A., Gersonde, R., Mulitza, S., Werner, M., … Lohmann, G. North Pacific freshwater events linked to changes in glacial ocean circulation. Nature.

Water Quality

Hassett, B. A., Sudduth, E. B., Somers, K. A., Urban, D. L., Violin, C. R., Wang, S.-Y., … Bernhardt, E. S. Pulling apart the urbanization axis: patterns of physiochemical degradation and biological response across stream ecosystems. Freshwater Science.

Kümmerer, K., Dionysiou, D. D., Olsson, O., & Fatta-Kassinos, D. A path to clean water. Science.

Lee Z., Shang S., Du K. & Wei J. Resolving the long-standing puzzles about the observed Secchi depth relationships. Limnology and Oceanography.


Davidson N.C. & Finlayson C.M. Extent, regional distribution and changes in area of different classes of wetland. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Schenková, J., Bílková, M., Polášková, V., Horsák, M., & Schlaghamerský, J. Variation of Clitellata (Annelida) assemblages related to water saturation in groundwater-dependent wetlands. Hydrobiologia.


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