New Articles for June 2 – 8

New Articles for June 2 – 8


Bátori, Z., P. J. Kiss, C. Tölgyesi, B. Deák, O. Valkó, P. Török, L. Erdős, B. Tóthmérész, and A. Kelemen. River embankments mitigate the loss of grassland biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. River Research and Applications.

Özgencil, İ. K., M. Beklioğlu, K. Özkan, Ç. Tavşanoğlu, and N. Fattorini. Changes in functional composition and diversity of waterbirds: The roles of water level and submerged macrophytes. Freshwater Biology.


Oram, N. J., G. B. De Deyn, P. L. E. Bodelier, J. H. C. Cornelissen, J. W. van Groenigen, and D. Abalos. Plant community flood resilience in intensively managed grasslands and the role of the plant economic spectrum. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Su, X., M. D. Bejarano, X. Yi, F. Lin, Q. Ayi, and B. Zeng. Unnatural flooding alters the functional diversity of riparian vegetation of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Freshwater Biology.

Food Web Interactions

Coblentz, K. E., and J. P. DeLong. Predator-dependent functional responses alter the coexistence and indirect effects among prey that share a predator. Oikos.

Eggert, S. L., J. B. Wallace, J. L. Meyer, and J. R. Webster. Trophic basis of production of stream detritivores shifts with reduced forest inputs. Hydrobiologia.

Frenken, T., J. Wolinska, Y. Tao, T. Rohrlack, and R. Agha. Infection of filamentous phytoplankton by fungal parasites enhances herbivory in pelagic food webs. Limnology and Oceanography.

Goto, D., E. S. Dunlop, J. D. Young, and D. A. Jackson. Shifting trophic control of fishery–ecosystem dynamics following biological invasions. Ecological Applications.

Lofton, M. E., T. H. Leach, B. E. Beisner, and C. C. Carey. Relative importance of top-down vs. bottom-up control of lake phytoplankton vertical distributions varies among fluorescence-based spectral groups. Limnology and Oceanography.

Global Change

Dudgeon, S., and J. E. Kübler. A multistressor model of carbon acquisition regulation for macroalgae in a changing climate. Limnology and Oceanography.

Gül, M. R., and B. D. Griffen. Changes in claw morphology of a bioindicator species across habitats that differ in human disturbance. Hydrobiologia.

Heino, J., J. M. Culp, J. Erkinaro, W. Goedkoop, J. Lento, K. M. Rühland, and J. P. Smol. Abruptly and irreversibly changing Arctic freshwaters urgently require standardized monitoring. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Muhlfeld, C. C., T. J. Cline, J. J. Giersch, E. Peitzsch, C. Florentine, D. Jacobsen, and S. Hotaling. Specialized meltwater biodiversity persists despite widespread deglaciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117:12208 LP – 12214.

Saintilan, N., N. S. Khan, E. Ashe, J. J. Kelleway, K. Rogers, C. D. Woodroffe, and B. P. Horton. Thresholds of mangrove survival under rapid sea level rise. Science 368:1118 LP – 1121.


Szczygieł, H. A., and R. A. Page. When the hunter becomes the hunted: foraging bat attacked by pit viper at frog chorus. Ecology:e03111.

Invasive Species

Bick, E., E. S. de Lange, C. P. Kron, L. da Silva Soler, J. Liu, and H. D. Nguyen. Effects of salinity and nutrients on water hyacinth and its biological control agent, Neochetina bruchi. Hydrobiologia.


Weeks, S. C. Effects of dietary restriction on lifespan, growth, and reproduction of the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana. Hydrobiologia.

Limnology (General)

Steinitz-Kannan, M., C. López, D. Jacobsen, and M. de L. Guerra. History of limnology in Ecuador: a foundation for a growing field in the country. Hydrobiologia.


Murphy, K., P. Carvalho, A. Efremov, J. Tapia Grimaldo, E. Molina-Navarro, T. A. Davidson, and S. M. Thomaz. Latitudinal variation in global range-size of aquatic macrophyte species shows evidence for a Rapoport effect. Freshwater Biology.


Stachelek, J., W. Weng, C. C. Carey, A. R. Kemanian, K. M. Cobourn, T. Wagner, K. C. Weathers, and P. A. Soranno. Granular measures of agricultural land-use influence lake nitrogen and phosphorus differently at macroscales. Ecological Applications.


Fowler, B. L., M. G. Neubert, K. R. Hunter-Cevera, R. J. Olson, A. Shalapyonok, A. R. Solow, and H. M. Sosik. Dynamics and functional diversity of the smallest phytoplankton on the Northeast US Shelf. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117:12215 LP – 12221.


Kane, I. A., M. A. Clare, E. Miramontes, R. Wogelius, J. J. Rothwell, P. Garreau, and F. Pohl. Seafloor microplastic hotspots controlled by deep-sea circulation. Science 368:1140 LP – 1145.

Vad, C. F., C. Schneider, D. Lukić, Z. Horváth, M. J. Kainz, H. Stibor, and R. Ptacnik. Grazing resistance and poor food quality of a widespread mixotroph impair zooplankton secondary production. Oecologia.


Sabando, M. A., G. Rieucau, D. Bradley, J. E. Caselle, and Y. P. Papastamatiou. Habitat-specific inter and intraspecific behavioral interactions among reef sharks. Oecologia.

Tavares, R., B. M. Wetherbee, and J. P. Rodriguez. Age and growth of juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at an insular nursery in the southern Caribbean. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Water Quality

Richards, J., J. Tibby, C. Barr, and P. Goonan. Effect of substrate type on diatom-based water quality assessments in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Hydrobiologia.


Jeelani, N., W. Yang, L. Xia, H. L. Zhu, and S. An. Ecosystem threats and management strategies for wetlands in China. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Villa, J. A., Y. Ju, T. Stephen, C. Rey-Sanchez, K. C. Wrighton, and G. Bohrer. Plant-mediated methane transport in emergent and floating-leaved species of a temperate freshwater mineral-soil wetland. Limnology and Oceanography.

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