New Articles for April 12-18, 2021


New Articles for April 12-18, 2021


AQUATIC SPECIFIC (25): Aquatic Sciences (5), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (5), Freshwater Biology (1), Freshwater Science (3), Journal of Great Lakes Research (3), Hydrobiologia (1), Limnology and Oceanography (4), River Research Applications (2), Water Resources Research (1)

BROAD-BASED (3): Bioscience (1), Global Change Biology (1), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1)

OA = Open Access




Doi, H., R. Inui, S. Matsuoka, Y. Akamatsu, M. Goto, and T. Kono. 2021. Estimation of biodiversity metrics by environmental DNA metabarcoding compared with visual and capture surveys of river fish communities. Freshw. Biol. doi:

Gauthier, M., G. Le Goff, B. Launay, C. J. Douady, and T. Datry. 2021. Dispersal limitation by structures is more important than intermittent drying effects for metacommunity dynamics in a highly fragmented river network. Freshw. Sci. doi:10.1086/714376



Fenoy, E., J. Rubio-Ríos, J. M. González, M. J. Salinas, F. J. Moyano, and J. J. Casas. 2021. Strategies of shredders when feeding on low-quality leaf-litter: Local population adaptations or fixed species traits? Limnol. Oceanogr. doi:

Kuhn, C., and D. Butman. 2021. Declining greenness in Arctic-boreal lakes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 118. doi:10.1073/pnas.2021219118

Li, S., R. R. Twilley, and A. Hou. 2021. Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in response to nitrate loading and sediment organic matter in an emerging coastal deltaic floodplain within the Mississippi River Delta plain. Limnol. Oceanogr. doi:

Llamazares Vegh, S., A. V Volpedo, S. Sánchez, and E. Avigliano. 2021. Biogeochemical multi-tag approach reveals the habitat use of a large-scale migratory fish through a fluvio-estuarine system. River Res. Appl. doi:

Pilla, R. M., and R.-M. Couture. 2021. Attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation and ultraviolet radiation in response to changing dissolved organic carbon in browning lakes: Modeling and parametrization. Limnol. Oceanogr. doi:

Santoro, A. L., A. Enrich-Prast, D. Bastviken, L. Tranvik, and C. Negrão Signori. 2021. Spatial and vertical distribution of aerobic and anaerobic dark inorganic carbon fixation in coastal tropical lake sediments. Aquat. Sci. 83: 43. doi:10.1007/s00027-021-00803-w



Smucker, N. J., J. J. Beaulieu, C. T. Nietch, and J. L. Young. 2021. Increasingly severe cyanobacterial blooms and deep water hypoxia coincide with warming water temperatures in reservoirs. Glob. Chang. Biol. doi:



Jensen, A. J., S. P. Bombaci, L. C. Gigliotti, and others. 2021. Attracting Diverse Students to Field Experiences Requires Adequate Pay, Flexibility, and Inclusion. Bioscience. doi:10.1093/biosci/biab039



Brownscombe, J. W., J. D. Midwood, and S. J. Cooke. 2021. Modeling fish habitat: model tuning, fit metrics, and applications. Aquat. Sci. 83: 44. doi:10.1007/s00027-021-00797-5

Gundelund, C., P. A. Venturelli, B. W. Hartill, K. Hyder, H. J. Olesen, and C. Skov. 2021. Evaluation of a citizen science platform for collecting fisheries data from coastal sea trout anglers. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2020-0364

Hanzen, C., M. C. Lucas, G. O’Brien, P. Calverley, and C. T. Downs. 2021. Spatial ecology of freshwater eels in South Africa: implications for conservation. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-021-04581-2

McGowan, D. W., T. A. Branch, S. Haught, and M. D. Scheuerell. 2021. Multi-decadal shifts in the distribution and timing of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) spawning in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2021-0047

Morissette, O., F. Lecomte, N. Vachon, A. Drouin, and P. Sirois. 2021. Quantifying migratory capacity and dispersal of the invasive Tench (Tinca tinca) in the St. Lawrence River using otolith chemistry. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2020-0460

Nelson, J., A. M. Rous, A. R. McLean, J. Barber, G. A. Bravener, C. M. Holbrook, and R. L. McLaughlin. 2021. Implications of tagging effects for interpreting the performance of sea lamprey traps in a large river. J. Great Lakes Res. doi:

Ni, F. J., A. Visha, S. P. Bhavsar, C. Arnillas Alberto, and G. B. Arhonditsis. 2021. Is it safe to eat fish from the Great Lakes? An adaptive modelling-monitoring framework to assess compliance with consumption advisories. J. Great Lakes Res. doi:

Simonović, P., R. Ristić, V. Milčanović, and others. 2021. Effects of run-of-river hydropower plants on fish communities in montane stream ecosystems in Serbia. River Res. Appl. doi:

Sylvia, A. L., S. J. Dinsmore, and M. J. Weber. 2021. Tournament and non-tournament anglers have little effect on a largemouth bass population compared to natural mortality. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2020-0442

Vainikka, A., P. Hyvärinen, J. M. Tiainen, A. Lemopoulos, N. Alioravainen, J. M. Prokkola, C. K. Elvidge, and R. Arlinghaus. 2021. Fishing-induced versus natural selection in different brown trout (Salmo trutta) strains. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2020-0313



Sullivan, K. T., and D. A. Woolnough. 2021. Water depth, flow variability, and size class influence the movement behavior of freshwater mussels (Unionida) in Great Lakes river drainages. Freshw. Sci. doi:10.1086/714412



Benito, X., M. Luethje, T. Schneider, and others. 2021. Ecological resilience in tropical Andean lakes: A paleolimnological perspective. Limnol. Oceanogr. doi:



Yezhova, Y., D. Capelle, M. Stainton, and T. Papakyriakou. 2021. Carbon fixation by the phytoplankton community across Lake Winnipeg. J. Great Lakes Res. doi:


Stream/River Dynamics

Coulson, L. E., J. Schelker, K. Attermeyer, C. Griebler, T. Hein, and G. Weigelhofer. 2021. Experimental desiccation indicates high moisture content maintains hyporheic biofilm processes during drought in temperate intermittent streams. Aquat. Sci. 83: 46. doi:10.1007/s00027-021-00799-3 (OA)

Garcia, T. D., L. Strictar, C. M. Muniz, and E. Goulart. 2021. Our everyday pollution: Are rural streams really more conserved than urban streams? Aquat. Sci. 83: 47. doi:10.1007/s00027-021-00798-4

Savoy, P., E. Bernhardt, L. Kirk, M. J. Cohen, and J. B. Heffernan. 2021. A seasonally dynamic model of light at the stream surface. Freshw. Sci. doi:10.1086/714270 (OA)


Winter Limnology

Devine, W. D., E. A. Steel, A. D. Foster, T. V Minkova, and K. D. Martens. 2021. Watershed characteristics influence winter stream temperature in a forested landscape. Aquat. Sci. 83: 45. doi:10.1007/s00027-021-00802-x

Huang, W., Z. Zhang, Z. Li, M. Leppäranta, L. Arvola, S. Song, J. Huotari, and Z. Lin. 2021. Under-ice dissolved oxygen and metabolism dynamics in a shallow lake: The critical role of ice and snow. Water Resour. Res. doi:

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