New Articles August 12 – 18

New Articles August 12 – 18

The Anthropocene and Climate Change

Ibáñez, C., and J. Peñuelas. Changing nutrients, changing rivers. Science 365:637 LP – 638.

Low, F. M., P. D. Gluckman, and M. A. Hanson. Niche Modification, Human Cultural Evolution and the Anthropocene. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Sueur, J., B. Krause, and A. Farina. Climate Change Is Breaking Earth’s Beat. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.


Tuo, S., I. B. Rodriguez, and T.-Y. Ho. H2 accumulation and N2 fixation variation by Ni limitation in Cyanothece. Limnology and Oceanography.


Cheng, J., L. Xu, H. Fan, and J. Jiang. Changes in the flow regimes associated with climate change and human activities in the Yangtze River. River Research and Applications.

Choi, J., C. Troy, N. Hawley, M. McCormick, and M. Wells. Lateral dispersion of dye and drifters in the center of a very large lake. Limnology and Oceanography.

Fleit, G., S. Baranya, T. Krámer, H. Bihs, and J. Józsa. A practical framework to assess the hydrodynamic impact of ship waves on river banks. River Research and Applications.

Flood, B., M. Wells, E. Dunlop, and J. Young. Internal waves pump waters in and out of a deep coastal embayment of a large lake. Limnology and Oceanography.

Tabacchi, E., E. González, D. Corenblit, V. Garófano-Gómez, A.-M. Planty-Tabacchi, and J. Steiger. Species composition and plant traits: Characterization of the biogeomorphological succession within contrasting river corridors. River Research and Applications.

van Denderen, R. P., R. M. J. Schielen, M. W. Straatsma, M. G. Kleinhans, and S. J. M. H. Hulscher. A characterization of side channel development. River Research and Applications.


Tran, N. T., M. Labonne, H. D. Hoang, and J. Panfili. Changes in environmental salinity during the life of Pangasius krempfi in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) estimated from otolith Sr : Ca ratios. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Abrial, E., L. A. Espínola, A. P. Rabuffetti, M. F. Eurich, A. R. Paira, M. C. M. Blettler, and M. L. Amsler. Variability of hydrological connectivity and fish dynamics in a wide subtropical–temperate floodplain. River Research and Applications.

González-Ferreras, A. M., E. Bertuzzo, J. Barquín, L. Carraro, C. Alonso, and A. Rinaldo. Effects of altered river network connectivity on the distribution of Salmo trutta: Insights from a metapopulation model. Freshwater Biology.

Rosa, R. R., J. C. Silva, and A. Bialetzki. Long-term monitoring of potamodromous migratory fish larvae in an undammed river. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Invasive and Nonnative Species

Alsip, P. J., H. Zhang, M. D. Rowe, D. M. Mason, E. S. Rutherford, C. M. Riseng, and Z. Su. Lake Michigan’s suitability for bigheaded carp: The importance of diet flexibility and subsurface habitat. Freshwater Biology.

Moore, T. P., and S. J. Clearwater. Non-native fish as glochidial sinks: elucidating disruption pathways for Echyridella menziesii recruitment. Hydrobiologia.


Alemneh, T., A. Ambelu, B. F. Zaitchik, S. Bahrndorff, S. T. Mereta, and C. Pertoldi. A macroinvertebrate multi-metric index for Ethiopian highland streams. Hydrobiologia.

Pařil, P., M. Polášek, B. Loskotová, M. Straka, J. Crabot, and T. Datry. An unexpected source of invertebrate community recovery in intermittent streams from a humid continental climate. Freshwater Biology.

Microbial Ecology

Bier, R. L., J. J. Wernegreen, R. J. Vilgalys, J. C. Ellis, and E. S. Bernhardt. Subsidized or stressed? Shifts in freshwater benthic microbial metagenomics along a gradient of alkaline coal mine drainage. Limnology and Oceanography.

Liu, H., C. A. Macdonald, J. Cook, I. C. Anderson, and B. K. Singh. An Ecological Loop: Host Microbiomes across Multitrophic Interactions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.


Ameen, F., S. AlMaarofi, A. Talib, A. Almansob, and A. A. Al-Homaidan. Phytoplankton diversity recovers slowly and cyanobacterial abundance remains high after the reflooding of drained marshes. Hydrobiologia.

Hammer, K. J., T. Kragh, and K. Sand-Jensen. Inorganic carbon promotes photosynthesis, growth, and maximum biomass of phytoplankton in eutrophic water bodies. Freshwater Biology.

Lopez, M. L. D., and R. D. S. Papa. Diversity and distribution of copepods (Class: Maxillopoda, Subclass: Copepoda) in groundwater habitats across South-East Asia. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Soininen, J., and A. Teittinen. Fifteen important questions in the spatial ecology of diatoms. Freshwater Biology.

Zhang, W., K. D. Lemmen, L. Zhou, S. Papakostas, and S. A. J. Declerck. Patterns of differentiation in the life history and demography of four recently described species of the Brachionus calyciflorus cryptic species complex. Freshwater Biology.

Predator-Prey Interactions

Leavell, B. C., and X. E. Bernal. The Cognitive Ecology of Stimulus Ambiguity: A Predator & Prey Perspective. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Veselý, L., D. S. Boukal, M. Buřič, I. Kuklina, M. Fořt, B. Yazicioglu, M. Prchal, P. Kozák, A. Kouba, and A. Sentis. Temperature and prey density jointly influence trophic and non-trophic interactions in multiple predator communities. Freshwater Biology.

Yin, X., J. Wang, H. Yin, and Y. Ruan. Does inducible defense mitigate physiological stress responses of prey to predation risk? Hydrobiologia.


Gladstone-Gallagher, R. V, C. A. Pilditch, F. Stephenson, and S. F. Thrush. Linking Traits across Ecological Scales Determines Functional Resilience. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Riparian Area

Bourgeois, B., and E. González. Pulses of seed release in riparian Salicaceae coincide with high atmospheric temperature. River Research and Applications.

Saline Ecosystems

Bai, X., C. Guo, M. Abdullah Al, A. Warren, and H. Xu. Vertical dynamics in community functioning of biofilm-dwelling ciliates during the colonisation process in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Becerril-García, E. E., M. A. Gutiérrez-Ortiz, P. A. Preciado-González, and A. Ayala-Bocos. Presence of Remora remora on Mobula birostris in Revillagigedo National Park, Mexico. Marine and Freshwater Research.

James, R. K., M. M. van Katwijk, B. I. van Tussenbroek, T. van der Heide, H. A. Dijkstra, R. M. van Westen, J. D. Pietrzak, A. S. Candy, R. Klees, R. E. M. Riva, C. D. Slobbe, C. A. Katsman, P. M. J. Herman, and T. J. Bouma. Water motion and vegetation control the pH dynamics in seagrass-dominated bays. Limnology and Oceanography.

McSweeney, S. L. Temporal and spatial variability of the open coast wave climate of Victoria, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Olsthoorn, J., C. E. Bluteau, and G. A. Lawrence. Under-ice salinity transport in low-salinity waterbodies. Limnology and Oceanography.

Pistevos, J. C. A., P. Reis-Santos, C. Izzo, and B. M. Gillanders. Element composition of shark vertebrae shows promise as a natural tag. Marine and Freshwater Research

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